Volume XI – (2010)
The Problem of Circumcision
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 11, 2010 – Pages 1-38; Revised September 2019 And at the end of eight days, when he was circumcised, he was called Jesus. (Luke 2:21) The methodology Unification theology leads to critiques of all religious practices that do not support God’s ultimate purpose of creation, as defined by the Three Great…
Education Realities in the Republic of Korea
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 11, 2010 – Pages 39-64 Education deals with the “ultimate concern” of many people: their children. Because children are a source of great joy and pride of all parents, it would make sense that education should be a source of inspiration and hope. In Korea, on the contrary, education issues seem…
The Godly Form of Household Government, and Its Demise
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 11, 2010 – Pages 65-90 Reverend Moon’s ruling paradigm, in my view, is that of a relational God who lives for love and whose nature is encapsulated in the three-generational family. These families in which God dwells will form perfect societies and nations in a world of peace. But everyone these…
Taking UTS to the Streets: Teaching Living Religions in the Neighborhoods of New York
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 11, 2010 – Pages 91-118 The Unification Theological Seminary website is titled “UTS—The Interfaith Seminary.” One click and the heading reads, “UTS—Equipping Interreligious Peacebuilders.” One more click and you read, “About UTS—An International and Interdenominational Graduate Level Seminary.” Click still again and the Mission Statement concludes that the seminary aims to…
The Wagner Conundrum: Art as Transmoral or Ethical?
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 11, 2010 – Pages 119-130 My first encounter with the music of Richard Wagner was by way of the fine recording of his Rienzi Overture by George Szell and the Cleveland Orchestra as a budding music student in high school. The noble and majestic theme of Rienzi’s prayer moved me to…
Sleepless in Jerusalem and other Poems
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 11, 2010 – Pages 131-136 for M, a Jewish friend Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. Ps. 121:4 Visiting your ancestral homeland for the first time, you say that you had the best sleep of your life – the kind that only babies have! I…
The End-Time Calculation of Johann Albrecht Bengel
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 11, 2010 – Pages 137-166 Recently, “The End” has been on the minds of many people. According to various New Age prognosticators, the Mayan Long Count Calendar indicates that “the End” will occur on December 21, 2012. Mayan culture flourished during “the Classic Period (from about 250 A.D. until around 900…
Learning to Live in Cheon Il Guk: Lessons from Brain Research
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 11, 2010 – Pages 167-184 It is very difficult to break a habit. While living in the satanic world until now, you have cherished self-centered habits; these harden and set like cement, becoming even more deeply ingrained than the addiction Koreans have to kimchi, doenjang (soybean paste) and kochujung (thick soybean…
Force and Relationship in Unification Thought and Classical Physics
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 11, 2010 – Pages 185-198 Unification Thought and physics both attempt to provide explanations for the nature of existence, but they begin from different perspectives. Unification Thought begins from a religious perspective and physics from a scientific viewpoint. However if both embody some degree of truth, then we might expect there…
The International Peace Highway: Reflections on its Role for World Peace
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 11, 2010 – Pages 199-210 The construction of a bridge and tunnel complex that would connect Russia and the United States via the Bering Strait, along with the building of a tunnel complex to connect Kyushu Island in Japan with Pusan, Korea represent key components of the International Peace Highway which…