Volume XVIII – (2017)
Battle for Dominion over Time: War of the Calendars in Thailand
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 18, 2017 – Pages 191-220 My annual January “get out of cold New York City” vacation was effectively ruined in the lounge of the Unification Theological Seminary. Shortly before I left for Thailand at the end of December 2016 I was describing my plans for a month in sunny Thailand…
Multi-Dimensional Hermeneutics for the Integration of Knowledge: A Preparatory Analysis for Unification Hermeneutics
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 18, 2017 – Pages 139-156 Unity of knowledge is one of the central theses of Unificationism. This article is a preparatory analysis to explore the methodology with which one can approach this unity from a Unificationist perspective.[1] In this article I use hermeneutics, a theory of interpretation, to present a…
True Parents as the Only Begotten Son and Only Begotten Daughter
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 18, 2017 – Pages 55-108 Unificationists are asking questions: Why is the discussion on the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter necessary? What does it have to do with leading a life of faith? Why didn’t Rev. Moon (hereafter “True Father”) emphasize the only begotten Son and only begotten…
Providential History of Modern Thought: A Unification Perspective
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 18, 2017 – Pages 1-54 The Divine Principle talks about the Period of Preparation for the Second Advent of the Messiah, which is the “four-hundred-year period from the Protestant Reformation in 1517 to the end of World War I in 1918.”[1] During this period, there were three rounds of division…
The Austerity Gospel of Gordon Fee
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 18, 2017 – Pages 171-190 I am a grateful student of Gordon Fee, having studied with him from 1974 through 1978.[1] He is a fine biblical scholar and a keen and powerful preacher. Theologically, he calls himself a “Presbycostal,” because, though committed to his home denomination of the Assemblies of…
Words Matter: Linguistic, Historical and Theological Issues with the Term “Begotten”
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 18, 2017 – Pages 121-138 The word “begotten” is problematic for Unification teaching both within the Unification family and in efforts of Unificationists to reach out beyond Unification circles—especially to adherents of the Religions of the Book, namely, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Use of the word begotten is as challenging…
Were True Parents Born with Original Sin? How to Deal with Their Words on This Matter
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 18, 2017 – Pages 109-120 Since 2014 the idea of True Mother as the only begotten Daughter has surfaced and stirred a controversy within the Unification movement, even though True Father himself during his lifetime actually used the term, “only begotten Daughter.” This idea has been a target of criticism…
Towards a Hyo Jeong Philosophy of Art
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 18, 2017 – Pages 157-170 I have always believed that art and creativity are among God’s greatest gifts to humanity. When I founded the Little Angels Art School in Korea, I gave the school a motto: “The Three Love Principle: Love God, Love Mankind and Love Your Country.” Through the…