True Parents as the Only Begotten Son and Only Begotten Daughter

Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 18, 2017 – Pages 55-108

Unificationists are asking questions: Why is the discussion on the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter necessary? What does it have to do with leading a life of faith? Why didn’t Rev. Moon (hereafter “True Father”) emphasize the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter? And why is Mrs. Moon (hereafter “True Mother”) continuously emphasizing them? There are some who do not understand the nature of the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter, misinterpret the terms or even spread malicious rumors. 

The writer has taken as many quotes as possible from the primary materials, specifically the three Cheon Il Guk scriptures, The Sermons of Rev. Sun Myung Moon [Sermons],[1] and Exposition of the Divine Principle [EDP].[2] Taken together, they encompass the whole of the Unification Principle. The writer has searched every word spoken by True Father on the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter via computer, meticulously analyzed them, and systemized the core contents. I have also summed up all contents regarding the subject from the 270 or so speeches delivered by True Mother after True Father’s Seonghwa.[3] Because these are sensitive subjects, I have tried to be comprehensive and universal by citing as many quotations as possible. I have endeavored to demonstrate the unity and consistency of the New Truth, as well as its logical and systematic nature, from multiple angles.[4]


The Concept and Meaning of the Only Begotten Son and Only Begotten Daughter

The concept “only begotten Son” is mentioned only four times in the New Testament. The most well-known passage is John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” However, the term “only begotten Daughter” is not mentioned at all. This is because the concept of True Parents does not exist in the Bible.[5] 

Yet, the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter are very important and essential for establishing our faith, understanding the words of the Divine Principle, constructing the ideal world, and practicing our life of faith. This is the reason why True Mother has continually emphasized the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter. 

I discovered in Sermons that True Father spoke many times about the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter. The term only begotten Son was mentioned 1,500 times, from the time True Father first used it (1956.4.8) in Volume 1 of Sermons to the time of his Seonghwa. He mentioned the term only begotten Daughter 180 times, first in a speech from October 11, 1959 recorded in Volume 7 of Sermons. This was six months before the Holy Wedding was held. 

Even so, many Church members do not remember these words. Perhaps it is because while the term “only begotten Son” was mentioned twice in Wolli Wonbon (1952), four times in Wolli Haeseol (1957) and eight times in Exposition of the Divine Principle (1966), these books do not have even one mention of the term “only begotten Daughter.” That is why some leaders and members even question whether True Father ever used that term. 

Nevertheless, the concept of only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter is of essential importance for our rebirth through true love, true life and true lineage, and hence for fulfilling the purpose of creation and the ideal of creation. It is essential to understanding the true nature of the Savior and Messiah. It may be said to be the essence of faith, the ultimate goal of life, and the cornerstone for constructing the ideal world. 

The meaning of ‘only begotten Son’ and ‘only begotten Daughter’

The terms only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter imply birth and life. And birth and life are relevant to true love, true life, and true lineage. Therefore, the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter contain a meaning of having the true lineage, which is the parent-children relationship with God. They received true life through God’s true love and formed a relationship of true lineage with Him. Furthermore, the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter have no condition for Satan’s accusation, no original sin, and no relationship with the Fall. These two points are inseparable and closely related, like a set.

The root of the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter is God the Heavenly Parent, and the flower and fruit of the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter are the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. The True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind have perfected the ideal of the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter. Born as God’s only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter, they became the True Parents through the realizing the first Blessing of individual perfection and the second Blessing through the Holy Wedding. In other words, they were born as God’s son and daughter; they passed through the growth stage, the realm of indirect dominion by their own portion of responsibility; and after perfecting themselves individually with harmonious unity between their spiritual body and physical body, they manifested as True Parents. 

Adam and Eve were born the only begotten Son and Daughter, but since they fell in the growth stage they did not accomplish what is required for that position. After all, it is only by the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter reaching perfection that the Three Great Blessings and the ideal world, which are God’s purpose of creation, can be established for all humanity. 

True Father places more emphasis on the meaning of first, that is, of being the firstborn son and the firstborn daughter, rather than being the one and only son and daughter.[6] They are the man and woman who were the first to receive God’s love, the man and woman who could receive God’s first love before anyone else, and the man and woman who could monopolize this first love. They came to possess that first love, and they are connected to it for eternity. 

The only begotten Son is the person who received God’s love first. (Cheon 2.3.2:7, 85.12.22)[7]

The only begotten Son is the firstborn son who can receive the first love! The only begotten Daughter is the firstborn daughter who can receive the first love! That is the only conclusion. (Vol. 203, 90.6.27) 

The inseparable relationship between the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter 

The only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter are in an inseparable relationship. God is the Heavenly Parent, the incorporeal True Parent who displays perfect harmony and unity of His original yang and original yin. The human ancestors Adam and Eve were created as the substantial object partners of His original yang and original yin, in the position of His son and daughter; they were in fact His only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter. To completely manifest the Heavenly Parent as His children, the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter had to unite as one. This is because only when they stand in the position of true husband and wife and true parents, united as one through true love and the Word, can the incorporeal, vertical True Parent who is the Heavenly Parent and the corporeal, horizontal True Parents who are the human True Parents unite as one to become the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. 

There are many speeches that support this. For example, 

What the only begotten Son needs is the only begotten Daughter. (Cham 1.1.2:3, 68.5.10) 

Just as God created Adam and Eve, if there is an only begotten Son, there should also be an only begotten Daughter. (Cham 1.1.2:8, 14.7.1) 

If the only begotten Son has come, the only begotten Daughter should come as well, and if the only begotten Son exists, the only begotten Daughter should exist as well. And if there is an only begotten Daughter, there should be also be an only begotten Son. (Vol. 23, 69.5.18) 

If there is an only begotten Son and he lives all by himself, he would be in big trouble. There should also be an only begotten Daughter. (Cheon, 177, 72.6.11)

Furthermore, God dwells at the place where the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter are united as one. Therefore, Adam and Eve, born as the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter, should have formed a family by becoming one centering on God’s love. 

Since God has dual characteristics, He dwells at the place where the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter are united as one. (Cham 1.1.2:7, 89.1.8) 

The only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter should have formed a family by completely becoming one through perfected love centering on God’s love. (Cham 1.1.2:9, 69.5.18)

The only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter have to pass through the original growth process and follow the course of individual perfection, which is the First Blessing. Next, they must walk the course of perfecting the family, which is the Second Blessing. When they become true parents, the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter perfect themselves. In other words, the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter, on the foundation of having been born through true love, true life and true lineage, should follow the path of the Three Great Blessings and ultimately form an ideal world. 

First, the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter should grow to full maturity and achieve individual perfection. 

Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden were the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter of God, and if they had grown to full maturity, God would have held a wedding ceremony for them. They needed some time to grow up well as the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter and reach adolescence. (Cham 1.1.2:2, 68.5.10) 

The only begotten Son is the person who received God’s love first. As the only begotten Son, he should meet the only begotten Daughter and they should become perfected, just as the original, unfallen Adam and Eve should have. (Cheon 2.3.2:7, 85.12.22) 

Second, the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter must get married and become husband and wife and parents. 

God wished to have His only begotten Son meet the only begotten Daughter before he died, so that He could bring them together as bridegroom and bride. (Vol. 203, 90.6.27) 

Centering on the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter, the realm of the love between the bridegroom and the bride is established. The standard of love between husband and wife, by which the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter are united as one centering on God, is truly precious. As the bridegroom and bride, they need to achieve the realm of love between husband and wife. (Cham 1.1.2:11, 86.1.24) 

The bridegroom is the only begotten Son and the bride is the only begotten Daughter. The only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter must get married and that is called the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. (Cham 1.2.1:3, 69.5.17) 

The only begotten Son and Daughter should love and marry each other at the place where all can rejoice with God. Upon their marriage, God, the vertical Parent, would rejoice, and the only begotten Son and Daughter would rejoice as the bride and bridegroom. Then, as the horizontal Parents, they would give birth to children on earth. (Cheon 2.1.1:26, 72.06.11) 

Human beings start from a family. A family begins with a man and a woman becoming husband and wife. Therefore, for the original family to begin, the only begotten Son must marry the only begotten Daughter. The only begotten Son and Daughter were to have been the original Adam and Eve, free from the Fall. Then they were to become True Parents and give birth to sons and daughters. (Cham 1.1.2:14, 93.11.14)

Third, the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter must form a family. 

The only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter should have united completely as one centering on God’s love and formed a family. (Cham 1.1.2:9, 69.5.18) 

The only begotten Son whose mind and body are united as one should meet the only begotten Daughter whose mind and body are also united as one, and thus build a family. (Cham 1.1.2:19, 69.5.18) 

The most fundamental part is for the only begotten Son, whose mind and body are united as one, to meet the only begotten Daughter, whose mind and body are also united as one, and form a family. (Vol. 381, 02.6.14) 

The only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter should perform their wedding ceremony and form a family. (Vol. 160, 69.5.17) 

The only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter, who are the children centering on God’s love, should have become completely one centering on God’s love and formed a family. (Vol. 23, 69.5.18) 

Centering on the love of God, the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter establish themselves as husband and wife, form God’s family, live in God’s love, and move to the Heavenly nation. (Vol. 143, 86.3.15)

Fourth, the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter should become the ancestors of humanity. 

Centering on God’s love, they need to prepare the base for the true ancestors of humanity from the positions of the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter. (Cham 1.1.2:3, 68.5.10) 

The only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter must grow to maturity centering on the original love of God, build a base for the Blessing at the place where they can attend God as their Father, and thus prepare the base for the true ancestors of humanity. (Vol. 159, 69.5.12) 

God desired to marry His only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter as the bridegroom and the bride, so that He may embrace their children as His grandchildren. (Vol. 203, 90.6.27)

Fifth, the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter must establish the Kingdom of Heaven. 

The Kingdom of Heaven is the place to which the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter move after they have formed God’s family centering on His love and lived their lives in His love. (Cheon 879, 86.3.15)

The only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter should be able to inherit the heavenly kingdom, surpassing families of filial children, loyal patriots, saints, and holy sons and daughters, at the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in heaven, wherein they are the eternal source of pride of the heavenly kingdom. (Vol. 475, 04.11.12)

Restoration of the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter

Adam was the only begotten Son, and Eve was the only begotten Daughter. However due to their Fall, they were lost. Having formed a blood relationship with Satan, the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter were stolen by Satan. 

God’s child, whom He had established as the eternal only begotten Son, formed a blood relationship with His enemy, Satan, and thus became Satan’s child. (Pyeong 632, 06.3.16) 

Through the loss of Adam, men and women of the heavenly kingdom, and even the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter, were lost. (Vol. 143, 86.3.15) 

The only begotten Daughter was stolen by Satan. (Cham 1.1.2:13, 97.4.19)

Throughout the providence of restoration, God has devoted Himself to recovering the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter whom Satan had stolen. 

The only begotten Son is the son born in the presence of God, and since he was stolen by Satan, he must be recovered. (Vol. 482, 05.1.14) 

Though the only begotten Son [Jesus], who is God’s firstborn son, was born, there has not been an only begotten Daughter. Satan stole her, and so she must be recovered. Since the only begotten Daughter was stolen by Satan, she must be recovered. She must be recovered within the realm of the chosen people. (Vol. 347, 01.7.5) 

Though the only begotten Son, who is God’s firstborn son, was born, there was no only begotten Daughter. Satan stole her, and the only begotten Son is the person who comes to recover her. (Vol. 347, 01.7.3)

Conversion of the lineage of the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter

Adam and Eve as God’s children were the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter born solely of the heavenly lineage, free from original sin. However, they fell while they were still in the growing process and thus became the substantial embodiments of false love, false life and false lineage. This prevented the construction of the ideal world, which is supposed to be created through true parents and true families. To perfect His absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal Will, God had to find a new only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter. To find the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter born from the heavenly lineage and without original sin, the conversion of lineage is necessary. This new lineage was to have been established by Jesus and his Bride.

The only begotten Son was born of true lineage and perfect lineage. (Pyeong 959, 93.9.7) 

Through four thousand years of restoration through indemnity, Heaven found the unfallen perfect lineage. That was Jesus, the only begotten Son. While the only begotten Son was born, he had to accomplish providential history together with the only begotten Daughter. For this, Heaven was also creating the only begotten Daughter, but it could not be accomplished. (14.6.14)

Jesus, as the only begotten Son, was conceived and born after his lineage was purified. The only begotten Son was of the heavenly lineage and so could receive God’s love. Thus, his authority was on the foundation of having purified the fallen lineage. Purifying the lineage means the clearing of lineage, the conversion of lineage, the consecration of lineage and the separation of lineage. 

For the first time in human history, the only begotten Son was born who could receive God’s love based on his lineage. Thus, the firstborn son of God was born. (01.5.8)

The only begotten Son stands in a position where he can attain his authority on the foundation of the defiled lineage having been purified, and being thus liberated, he can receive God’s love earnestly. (Vol. 110, 80.11.18) 

Since he is the firstborn son conceived from the purified lineage for the first time in history, the son who can stand on God’s side, he is the only begotten Son. (Vol. 214, 91.2.1) 

The history of recovering the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter

Human history is the history of the providence of restoration. It is also the history of recovering the lost human ancestors, the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter. To realize the Ideal of Creation, God continuously led the difficult and arduous providential work of recovering the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter over a very long period of time. This is because until they were recovered, there could be no Savior, Messiah and True Parents of humanity. 

God sent His beloved only begotten Son to earth and entrusted him with the task of leading the work of restoration. (Cheon 8.2.6:29, 64.7.17) 

It is God’s wish to make humanity into His only begotten sons and only begotten daughters, centered on His love, and to have them form families He can love. This is God’s wish that spans through all of history, as well as the dutiful way desired by humanity. (Vol. 160, 69.5.17)

God could give birth to His only begotten Son only after passing through the difficult and complicated process of the history of restoration through indemnity. It was truly a bitter course of history. 

The only begotten Son was born as the result of the innumerable hardships God underwent in the course of the four thousand years of the history of salvation; his birth is similar to having re-created Adam himself. (Vol. 342, 01.1.12) 

The only begotten Son is the person hoped for by all beings who ever existed in history, and the center of hope for fulfilling the overall purpose of the providence. To recover him, God walked the path of bitter and sorrowful history for six thousand years, and the many forefathers and saints who came before us also endeavored to recover that one person. (Vol. 9, 60.5.1) 

Once the position of the only begotten Son was recovered, it remained as a position that could be inherited by someone in our time. The position of the only begotten Daughter, however, was not recovered. 

Once the only begotten Son was born, the work of the providence should have been carried out together with the only begotten Daughter. This, however, did not come to pass. (14.6.14) 

The only begotten Daughter could not appear. Jesus said, ”I will come again” when he died on the cross. Therefore, the position of the only begotten Son remained. (15.2.21) 

The position of the only begotten Son who was sent to the people who had been nurtured throughout four thousand years, remained. (15.3.3) 

When Jesus died on the cross two thousand years ago, the position of the only begotten Son remained, but the only begotten Daughter did not appear. (16.5.8) 

Therefore, the two-thousand-year history of Christianity after Jesus focused on finding the only begotten Daughter. Of course the establishment of the foundation for the Second Advent required a difficult course, but a part of that foundation, namely the position of the only begotten Son, remained intact and could be inherited. However, there was no position of only begotten Daughter to inherit. 

The purpose of the two-thousand-year history of Christianity has therefore been to find the bride, God’s Daughter. The Holy Spirit came, but it represents this daughter of God only in spirit. (Cham 1.2.1:7, 59.10.11) 

The moment when Jesus died he said, “I will come again.” The foundation of the only begotten Son is alive. Then, Christianity, through God’s providential history of two thousand years, is a religion to find the bride. (14.6.14) 

When Jesus died on the cross, he said that he would come again and that he would hold the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. That is why the providence of heaven, the two thousand-year history of Christianity, is the history to find the only begotten Daughter. Christians do not know this fact. (16.3.12)

Humanity as only begotten sons and only begotten daughters

True Father said that the true path of life is the path of becoming an only begotten son and an only begotten daughter. Originally, if the human ancestors Adam and Eve had not fallen, they would have become His children by direct descent, born solely of the heavenly lineage. Therefore, the status of only begotten son and only begotten daughter was the originally created status that all humanity should attain. 

What is the true path of life? It is to attend God as our Father and to become His true sons and daughters, that is, His only begotten sons and only begotten daughters. In short, the path of life that we need to walk is the path to become only begotten sons and only begotten daughters. (Vol. 41, 71.2.15) 

Therefore, by ridding ourselves of sin through True Parents, achieving individual perfection, receiving the marriage Blessing, and forming ideal families, we need to strive to become only begotten sons and only begotten daughters. 

True Parents told us all to become only begotten sons and only begotten daughters. To give some examples: 

It is God’s desire to make humanity into His only begotten sons and only begotten daughters, centered on His love, and to have them form families that He can love. (Cham 1.2.1:3, 69.5.17) 

What God desires is to make us His only begotten sons and only begotten daughters, so that we can form families that He can truly love. This is what He desires. This is God’s desire that spans all of history, and the dutiful way that humanity has wished for. (Vol. 160, 69.5.17)

As blessed families, we should become only begotten sons and only begotten daughters and nurture our children as sons and daughters of True Parents, whereby they too will become only begotten sons and only begotten daughters. 

You need to become only begotten sons and only begotten daughters, and start anew so that God can claim, “I know no one but you.” There is nothing beyond that. That is what it means for you to be blessed families. (Vol. 393, 02.9.29) 

I will take your sons and daughters and raise them as the children of True Parents. I will raise them as the only begotten sons and only begotten daughters of True Parents. (10.7.1)


Adam and Eve as the Only Begotten Son and Only Begotten Daughter

As discussed earlier, the human ancestors Adam and Eve were born as God’s firstborn son and firstborn daughter, and were the first to receive God’s true love. They were the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter because they came from the heavenly lineage and did not have original sin. Adam and Eve should have fulfilled the First Great Blessing by growing up centering on God and achieving individual perfection, thus maintaining their status as the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter.

After that, they should have been married through God’s Blessing and become true husband and wife, given birth to sons and daughters to become true parents, and formed a true family, thereby fulfilling the Second Great Blessing. On this foundation, they should have governed over all things with true love and formed a heavenly environment of comfort, convenience and abundance, thus perfecting their dominion over all things which is the Third Great Blessing. By passing through this process, Adam and Eve would have lived a life of the Three Great Blessings with the status and position of the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter, and thus realized the world of God’s Ideal of Creation. 

Adam and Eve, however, fell and became the substantial embodiments of false life and false lineage through false love; hence, and the position of the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter was lost. They lost the status and position of the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter that had been the condition of their birth. Hence, they failed to realize the perfection of the individual, family, and dominion, centering on God, and instead built hell on earth and in heaven. Thus, God’s attempt to establish the ideal of the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter through on Adam and Eve was a failure. Some of the main passages in True Father’s words on this are as follows:

First, if Adam and Eve did not fall, they would have become the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter. 

Adam and Eve were the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter whom God created. If they had united [with God], the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter would have been married. If Adam and Eve did not fall, they would have become the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter. (Vol. 231, 92.5.31)

The highest ideal of creation that God intended to accomplish by giving the marriage ceremony was to be accomplished centering on Adam and Eve. For them as the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter to grow up well and reach adolescence, some period of time was needed. (Vol. 159, 69.5.12) 

Since there must be a husband and wife, the only begotten Son must welcome the only begotten Daughter. They must become the unfallen original Adam and Eve. (Vol. 252, 93.11.14) 

Second, through the loss of Adam and Eve, the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter were lost and they formed a fallen family. 

Through the loss of Adam and Eve, the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter were lost. (Cham 1.1.1:7, 86.3.15) 

Since Adam fell, the only begotten Son disappeared and the only begotten Daughter disappeared. (Vol. 285, 97.4.19) 

Since true parents were lost due to the fall of Adam and Eve, human beings today have fallen parents and they do not have unfallen true parents. (Cham 1.2.2:3, 63.5.15)

Based on the false love of Satan, Adam and Eve committed the sin of illicit love, became a false husband and wife and false parents, and formed a fallen family passing down the lineage of Satan to their descendants. (Pyeong, 1079, 01.1.29)

Third, to give rebirth to all humanity, the Messiah must come as true parents on behalf of Adam and Eve who could not become true parents. Forming the family of true love based on the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter has been the purpose of the providence of salvation. 

Since Adam and Eve became the ancestors of the Fall and not true parents, the solution will take place provided the True Parents come as the original beings of true love, true life and true lineage on behalf of Adam and Eve.” (Pyeong 540, 95.8.23) 

On behalf of Adam and Eve who became false parents, the Messiah, in other words, the True Parents, must come in order to give rebirth to all humanity. This is the main point of the messianic thought spoken of in the Bible. (Pyeong 932, 92.6.10) 

The purpose of God’s providence of salvation is to restore one man and one woman on behalf of Adam and Eve as the True Parents centered on God’s true love, and form a true family. (Pyeong 952, 93.9.7) 

God’s hope is to establish a family that God can love, with the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter centered on God’s love of humankind. This has been God’s wish throughout history and the dutiful way that humanity has wished for. (Vol. 160, 69.5.17)

When the providence of the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter centered on the human ancestors Adam and Eve ended in failure, God’s providence moved to the providence of the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter centered on Jesus who was the First coming of the Messiah, and the Holy Spirit, the Second Eve who was supposed to become his bride.


Jesus and the Holy Spirit as the Only Begotten Son and Only Begotten Daughter

The human ancestors, Adam and Eve, lost their status as the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter and became the substantial embodiments of false love, false life and false lineage. To restore this, Jesus and the person that had been destined to be his bride, as the second Adam and second Eve, needed the process of the conversion of lineage in order to restore the heavenly lineage.

Therefore, throughout the four thousand long years of the history of the providence of restoration, God carried out the work of converting the lineage, so that Jesus, the Messiah of the First Advent, could be born of the heavenly lineage. During this time, God worked to fulfill restoration through indemnity in order to restore the unfallen, faultless lineage. This required the absolute faith and obedience of Rebecca, Tamar and Mary. On that foundation, Jesus was born of a heavenly lineage that could not be accused by Satan and thus recovered the position of the only begotten Son that Adam had lost. 

If at that time Jesus the only begotten Son had found the only begotten Daughter and married her with God’s blessing, they would have become the true parents that God planned for at the beginning of the world and would have formed a true family. If that had happen, the two of them as God’s only begotten son and only begotten daughter would have become the Savior, Messiah, and true parents, and would have established one family under God. However, Jesus could not find the only begotten Daughter and could not get married to her. Therefore, the true parents could not manifest at that time. 

Then, let us discuss in more detail the process of restoration for Jesus to become the only begotten Son, to accomplish individual perfection, and to recover his Bride, the substantial Holy Spirit.

First, Jesus was born as God’s Son. God bestowed upon Jesus the status of His only begotten Son, because he was born of God’s lineage by direct descent, and because as the Son he attained oneness with God through perfect give and receive action. Hence, even Satan testified that Jesus was God’s son.

Jesus, conceived in Mary’s womb, was born as the only son connected to God from the time he was in the womb, and so he was the only begotten Son. (Vol. 245, 93.2.28) 

Jesus, conceived in Mary’s womb, could not be accused by Satan in terms of lineage. Since he was the first son to be born through the lineage of God’s love, he was the only begotten Son. (Vol. 266, 94.12.25)

It was to Jesus that for the first time in human history, God bestowed the status of His only begotten Son and manifested him on earth. (Pyeong 611, 05.8.20) 

The fact that Jesus claimed, “I am the son of God. I am His only begotten Son,” is truly great. (Cham 1.1.2:5, 87.5.17) 

Jesus was born into the position of God’s true son, born solely of His direct bloodline. (Pyeong 958-59, 93.9.7) 

Jesus was the only begotten Son of God; he attained oneness with God through perfect give and take action. (EDP, 32) 

Even the demons testified that Jesus was the Son of God. (EDP, 210)

Second, Jesus was the only begotten Son because he was born into a state where Satan had no cause for accusation. Even though Jesus was conceived in the womb of Mary, who was born of the fallen lineage, the lineage had been purified through the conversion of lineage. Hence, Jesus was solely of the heavenly lineage and so Satan had no conditions for accusation. From the time Jesus was conceived in Mary’s womb, Satan could not accuse him, saying, “He is my son.” And so, Jesus was born as the only begotten Son into the position where he was beloved only by God.

Jesus, conceived in Mary’s womb, had already gone through a historical consecration, and so Satan could not accuse him. Satan had no reason whatsoever to accuse him. Jesus was the first only begotten Son to be born in human history, and he was the holy son born after the lineage had been purified. (Vol. 274, 95.10.29) 

Jesus stood in the traditional position of having been born after the lineage had been completely purified and every condition for Satan’s accusation had been eliminated. In short, everything had been converted while he was still in the womb. That is why he said that he is the only begotten Son. (Vol. 137, 86.1.1)

Since Jesus was conceived in the womb of victory, Satan cannot accuse him of being his son. Jesus came to earth as God’s only begotten Son. (Vol. 39, 71.1.10) 

From the time of Jesus’ conception, Satan could not accuse him, saying, “He is my son.” Jesus was the only person to be born into the position where he was beloved only by God, and where Satan could not accuse him even while he was in the womb, for he had nothing to do with Satan. (Vol. 47, 71.8.22) 

Since the baby was born after setting the condition for indemnity, Satan cannot claim, “He is my son.” Since he was born from the womb that was consecrated, Satan cannot claim that Jesus is his son. That is why Jesus is the only begotten Son. (Vol. 391, 02.9.4)

What is more, because Jesus was born of the purified lineage, Satan could not assert to Jesus while he was in the womb, “Jesus, you are mine,” “Jesus, you are still connected to my love,” “Jesus, you are tied to me by blood,” or “Jesus, you are connected to me through the bloodline.” From the moment, he was conceived and born he was God’s son, and he was born into His love. He was born as the son who can be directly governed by God. 

Since Jesus was conceived and born of the lineage that was purified for two thousand years, Satan could not claim that Jesus in the womb is “mine.” (Vol. 243, 93.1.28) 

Satan could not claim that he was still connected through love. From the moment, he was conceived and born, Jesus was God’s son, and he was born into His love, and so he is the only begotten Son. (Vol. 313, 99.11.9) 

Jesus’ conception in the womb was a result of the foundation of the historical victory over lineage, and so Satan has no reasons to claim, “You and I are tied by blood.” Accordingly, Jesus is the only begotten Son. (Vol. 212, 91.1.2) 

Even while Jesus was in the womb, Satan had no internal cause, no internal life, in the womb by which he could claim, “He is connected to my bloodline.” Since Jesus was born as the son who could be directly governed by God, he is the only begotten Son. (Vol. 234, 92.8.2)

Third, because Jesus was born free from Satan’s accusation based on the claim of lineage, he had no original sin. The position free from original sin is the position from the time before the fall, and this is the position of the only begotten Son. 

Jesus was a person born without original sin, free from Satan’s accusation. That is why he can claim to be God’s only begotten Son. (Vol. 23, 69.5.18) 

Jesus is the only Son of God, sinless and born of His direct lineage. (EDP, 396) 

Since Jesus was born of the lineage with such a position, he can appear as the father of humanity without original sin. (Vol. 160, 69.5.17) 

Because Jesus is a person who can return to the presence of God as a man without original sin, he became the only begotten Son. (Vol. 23, 69.5.18)

Fourth, having been born as the only begotten Son, Jesus passed through the growth process and achieved individual perfection. As an individual, he attained oneness with God and became a human being who perfected the purpose of creation. Thus he became the Tree of Life, the second Adam. 

Jesus was truly a man who fulfilled the purpose of creation. (EDP, 188) 

Jesus is a man who has realized the purpose of creation and who lives in oneness with God” (EDP, 229) 

Jesus came with the full value of a true person who has completed the purpose of creation. (EDP, 231)

Jesus, in the position of the perfected human being, the perfected second Adam, came to find his bride. (Pyeong 611, 05.8.20) 

Jesus is a man who has realized the purpose of creation and who lives in oneness with God. (EDP, 229) 

Fifth, as the only begotten Son, Jesus became the incarnation of true love and the incarnation of the Word. Just like Adam, who was created through the Word, Jesus became the incarnation of the Word, a man in whom the Word comes alive. His spirit self became a divine spirit and shone forth the bright light of truth. 

Jesus is likened to the true light because he came as the incarnation of the Word and shone forth the light of truth. (EDP, 130) 

The Bible refers to Jesus as the Word made flesh. This verse means that Jesus is the incarnation of the Word; that is, a man in whom the Word comes alive. (EDP, 229-30) 

Sixth, Jesus should have found the only begotten Daughter, and together become true parents and established the Kingdom of Heaven. Having achieved individual perfection as the only begotten Son, Jesus needed to find the only begotten Daughter and marry her; then they would have become a true husband and wife and true parents of humankind. 

Jesus is the Second Adam. Since there is the only begotten Son, there should be the only begotten Daughter. (159, 69.5.12) 

As the only begotten Son, he must meet the only begotten Daughter and they must become perfected, just as the original, unfallen Adam and Eve should have. Jesus, the only begotten Son, came as the Messiah. (Cheon 2.3.2:7, 85.12.22) 

Since Adam fell, Jesus came as the only begotten Son. The only begotten Son must get married to the only begotten Daughter and give birth to sons and daughters. (Vol. 218, 91.8.19) 

The Kingdom of Heaven is the place to which the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter move, after they have formed God’s family centering on His love and lived their lives in His love. (Cheon 879, 86.3.15)

Seventh, Jesus the only begotten Son together with the only begotten Daughter should have eliminated humanity’s original sin. Had they thus become the True Parents of humanity, Jesus and the only begotten Daughter, who was to be the substantial Holy Spirit, would have given rebirth to fallen humanity and restored them to people free of original sin. However, when they were unable to become the substantial true parents, Jesus, who was reborn from the death by crucifixion as the spiritual Savior and Messiah, together the Holy Spirit as an incorporeal being, became the spiritual True Parents giving only spiritual rebirth, revival, and salvation. 

Centering on Jesus and the Holy Spirit who are the True Parents of humankind, all people stand in the position of godly children. (EDP, 136) 

God intended to exalt Jesus and his Bride as the second Adam and Eve to become the True Parents of humanity. (EDP, 237) 

Jesus and the Holy Spirit would later come to Israel as the True Parents… and give rebirth to all humanity as their children. (EDP, 330) 

Jesus and the Holy Spirit were to engraft all fallen people to cleanse them of the original sin, as the True Parents of humanity. (EDP, 396)

Eighth, Jesus failed to find the only begotten Daughter, and so he could not marry her. Although he achieved individual perfection, he could not find and marry the only begotten Daughter. He was killed on the cross before he could erect the true parents of humanity. 

Since Heaven also created the only begotten Daughter, once the only begotten Son was born, the work of the providence should have been carried out together with the only begotten Daughter. This, however, did not come to pass. (14.6.14) 

No only begotten Daughter came in front of Jesus, the only begotten Son. There was no clan of the only begotten Daughter. If Zachariah’s family and Joseph’s family had become one, then there would have been a clan. Since there was no clan, there was no foundation to establish the kingship. (Vol. 429, 03.12.23)

Ninth, Jesus must return and hold the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Jesus left this earth promising that he would return. When he comes to this world as the Messiah at the Second Advent, he must recover Eve who was stolen by Satan and hold the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. 

Jesus, the only begotten Son, needs to meet the only begotten Daughter and pave the path by which a man and woman can unite as one. (Cham 1.1.2:7, 89.1.8) 

There was God’s only begotten Son, but since he could not meet the only begotten Daughter, Jesus comes as the Lord of Second Advent and he must hold the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. (Vol. 41, 71.2.17) 

After four thousand years, God was finally able to find and establish the only begotten Son, but He was unable to establish the only begotten Daughter. Since God could not send the only begotten Daughter at that time, He would have to raise the only begotten Daughter separately. (Cham 1.1.2:8, 14.7.1)

Let’s focus on one speech regarding the candidate who was to be Jesus’ bride and become the only begotten Daughter. True Father said that while Jesus had been born after the conversion of the lineage of the satanic world, the bride who was to become his spouse did not go through this process of conversion of lineage. 

Jesus, born from Mary’s womb, converted the lineage of the satanic world. Though he came in the position of having a converted lineage, the bride who was to become his object partner did not go through this process of conversion of lineage. It is complicated. (Vol. 140, 86.2.9) 

Therefore, the substantial Holy Spirit did not come into being, and instead the Holy Spirit, who is also the mother spirit, is without substantial form, like water or like fire.

The only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter must perfect themselves by passing through the growth period to accomplish the First Blessing, and then carry out the Holy Wedding to accomplish the Second Blessing. In other words, while the beginning of the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter is their birth based on true love, true life and true lineage, their completion is the Holy Wedding and becoming true parents. Jesus as the only begotten Son was born of the heavenly lineage and perfected his individuality, but he could not find the only begotten Daughter, get married, and become the true parents. Therefore, the result was that Jesus was not able to accomplish the perfection of the only begotten Son. Nevertheless, although Jesus died on the cross due to people’s ignorance and distrust without getting married, he did not fall. Therefore, the position and status of the only begotten Son remained intact and could be inherited by True Father. 


True Father as the Only Begotten Son

This status and mission of Jesus, the Messiah at the First Advent, have now been entrusted to True Father. Through meeting Jesus, he received God’s royal seal that says that he is the Messiah at the Second Advent. Hence, he must fulfill the mission of the first Jesus and, standing together with the prepared only begotten Daughter, True Mother, as the True Parents, Savior, and Messiah of humanity, construct the ideal world that God envisioned at the creation.

In light of this, we will study the following aspects of True Father as the only begotten Son: (1) True Father’s fundamental identity, (2) True Father inheriting the mission of the Messiah, (3) True Father’s lineage, (4) the conversion of True Father’s lineage, (5) True Father being the only begotten Son from the viewpoint of predestination, and (6) True Father becoming perfected through the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. By comprehensively examining the above, we will come to have a correct understanding of True Father as the only begotten Son.

1) True Father’s fundamental identity

True Father’s fundamental identity is the Messiah at the Second Advent and the Returning Lord. He received this identity from God through Jesus, whose mission he inherited and had to fulfill. One of the key issues that True Father had to address was finding the only begotten Daughter.

For this purpose, Jesus returned to True Father two thousand years after his passing and cooperated with him in order to fulfill the messianic mission that he was unable to accomplish in his time. Therefore, in terms of the mission, Jesus and True Father are the same person. In other words, the mission of the Lord of the Second Advent is the mission of True Father. 

Christ at the Second Advent will succeed the mission of Jesus. Unless the Returning Christ comes in the flesh, as Jesus did, he cannot inherit Jesus’ mission, much less fulfill the purpose of the providence of restoration. (EDP, 386)

Jesus must build the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Since Christ at the Second Advent must substantially build the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, exactly as Jesus would have done at his first coming. (EDP, 392) 

By inheriting the mission of the Messiah, True Father assumes the position and status of the Messiah, and thus he comes to stand in the position of God’s son, just like Jesus. Since True Father was entrusted with the position, status and mission of the Messiah by God, Satan, who had no cause for accusation regarding the lineage of Jesus, cannot accuse True Father either.

Therefore, as the first Jesus was born as the only begotten Son, True Father also was born in the position of the only begotten Son. Hence, True Father could become a man with perfected character centered on God’s divine nature, to form a relationship of parent and child, a relationship of oneness united through love, and a relationship of cooperation, with God Himself. In doing so, he became God’s external form and substantial embodiment, and the temple wherein He dwells. 

Moreover, through the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, True Father became the True Father of humanity who perfected the Second Great Blessing. In other words, True Father, together with True Mother, became the True Parents of humanity and the perfected substantial embodiments who completely display the Heavenly Parent, who is the incorporeal, vertical True Parents. 

True Father, together with True Mother, have laid the foundation for the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in heaven, as one great cosmic family centered on God the Heavenly Parent. By means of this status and dignity, True Parents have been working for the providence to give rebirth to the fallen humanity to rid them of original sin, and further, to carry out their substantial resurrection and substantial salvation. They are guiding all human beings, both on earth and in the spirit world, to lead a life where the shadows of the fall and sin can never be cast. Ultimately, they are firmly establishing Cheon Il Guk, which is the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in heaven. 

Jesus must come to earth once again and restore a world where God’s Three Great Blessings have been perfected, both spiritually and physically. (EDP, 523) 

When the Messiah returns, he will be able to establish God’s sovereignty upon the earth with the wholehearted support of the people. This will be the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. (EDP, 470) 

The age for building a new heaven and new earth (Rev. 21:1-7) under the leadership of Christ at the Second Advent has begun. (EDP, 519) 

Christ will return and restore through indemnity the ideal world characterized by interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values. (EDP, 528)

2) True Father’s inheritance of the mission of the Messiah and the status of the only begotten Son 

When he was sixteen years old, True Father inherited the unfinished mission of the Messiah from Jesus. It was then that Jesus appeared to him and revealed to him that he had been chosen to fulfill the mission of leading humanity into the world that God desires. 

When I was sixteen, I had an extraordinary experience. On Easter morning I was offering a long and tearful prayer when Jesus Christ appeared and revealed many things to me. Jesus spoke to me of profound and amazing truths. And he requested that I take on a special role for God’s work on earth. (Cheon 2.4.1:3, 85.2)

My encounter with Jesus in the year I turned sixteen was a profound spiritual experience. It was the first of many revelations. God chose me in accordance with His providential timeline. (Cham 2.3.2:5, Sermons, Vol. 87, 1976) 

When I was sixteen years old, I met Jesus Christ in the early morning of Easter Sunday. Since then I have embarked on this path of heavenly calling in order to accomplish His Will and to liberate Him from sorrow. (Pyeong 128, 01.7.13) 

When I was sixteen years old, I received a religious mission from Heaven through Jesus Christ. Since then, I have lived my life never forgetting my heavenly calling, not even for a moment. (Pyeong 1036, 92.8.24) 

I embarked on the way of Heaven after receiving a divine decree at the age of sixteen. On Mount Myodu in Jeongju, early on Easter morning in 1935, I held on tightly to God and made the greatest decision of my life. (Pyeong 1597, 09.1.30) 

At the young age of sixteen, with nothing but the buoyant spirit and aspirations of youth, I was called by Heaven and began to live for the Will of God. This left no room in my heart for any worldly ambitions I may have cherished. It has never been an easy path. (Pyeong 631, 06.3.16) 

At the age of sixteen, Rev. Moon received a revelation from Heaven and came to understand that he had been chosen to fulfill the mission of leading humanity into a world of purity, freedom and happiness, a world that God has longed to see since the beginning. (Pyeong 150, 02.2.15)

In fact, knowing how difficult the Messiah’s mission was, True Father refused it at first before he finally accepted it. Jesus appeared before True Father on Easter Day and asked True Father to shoulder the responsibility for his public life, in its entirety. True Father at first refused, because he was not in a position where he could take responsibility for it. 

It was January sixth, in the year I was sixteen going on seventeen. Jesus appeared before me on Easter Day and asked me to shoulder the responsibility for his public life, in its entirety, on this earth. I, however, boldly refused and said I cannot take that responsibility, because I was not in a position where I could take responsibility for it. (11.1.22)

From that time forth, True Father lived his whole life in communication with God. He also met saints and sages in the spirit world and received their official recognition of his God-given mission. 

Ever since the time I first truly experienced God at the age of sixteen, when I was anguishing about the meaning of life and the universe, I have lived my whole life in communication with Him. I have searched every corner of the spirit world. There I met the five great religious founders and many other saints and sages, and I received their official recognition of my mission. (Pyeong 251, 03.2.6)

Since receiving God’s calling as a boy of sixteen, I have delved into the meaning of God’s Will and fought against tremendous odds to fulfill the providence of restoration for the sake of human salvation. (Pyeong 234, 00.2.2)

At that time, True Father became aware that he was being given the position of the only begotten Son and that he was equipped with the qualifications to be such. 

In True Father’s history, the moment he inherited the work of Jesus was the moment he attained the status of the only begotten Son. (14.7.1.) 

When Father was sixteen years old, Jesus appeared at Easter and asked him ’Will you accomplish what I could not.’ At that moment, True Father stood in the position of the only begotten Son. (16.2.17) 

When he was sixteen, True Father inherited the position of the only begotten Son from Jesus. You need to clearly understand this. (16.2.24)

This point refers to True Father’s first moment of awareness of what he was born to be. In fact, he had been born with all the necessary qualifications—indeed, he was already the only begotten Son—yet it was only at age 16 that Jesus made him aware of his position. 

A mission, no matter what it may be, begins from the moment of appointment. Even in the world, the beginning of any post or mission is generally at the very moment the approval is given, the appointment is issued, or the inaugural ceremony is held. Therefore, it can be seen that the official starting point of True Father’s mission as the Messiah was the moment when he accepted the mission that Jesus called him to fulfill at age sixteen. It was at that point that True Father began to stand in the position of the only begotten Son. 

Nevertheless, when True Father inherited the mission of the first Jesus, the first Jesus and True Father were in complete oneness from the viewpoint based on the Messiah’s mission, and so they are as one and same person, and True Father stands in the position of the first Jesus as the only begotten Son. In other words, since True Father was entrusted with the mission of the Messiah by God, he assumes the position of the Messiah as well as his status, prestige and mission. 

Therefore, since from the standpoint of the fundamental meaning of the term, “only begotten Son,” as the person who receives the first love of God and who is born without original sin, True Father can be rightly said to have had this qualification from birth. Otherwise, how could he possibly be equipped stand with the same status as Jesus the only begotten Son? It is logical to say that by inheriting the mission of Jesus, True Father also inherited the condition that Jesus had—being born as God’s only begotten Son.

3) True Father’s lineage 

However, in Sermons there are many contradictory passages regarding True Father’s lineage. There are words that say he was born with the heavenly lineage, and there are also words that say he was born with the fallen lineage.[8]

First, let’s examine the words that say True Father had no relationship with Satan’s blood lineage right from birth. 

True Father has no relations with Satan’s blood lineage from birth. (Vol. 615, 09.8.24.) 

It is wrong to think that since True Father was born from the fallen lineage, we can replace him anytime. (11.5.19.)

True Father was not born with the lineage of fallen Adam and Eve but was born with the original standard. Those who think True Father was born with the fallen lineage, do not understand the Principle. You say, “Rev. Moon was born with the blood lineage of fallen Adam and Eve,” but I was not. (11.4.10.) 

True Father was born with the original standard. (Vol. 501, 05.7.17) 

Those who thought True Father was born with the fallen lineage… are crazy. They don’t understand the Divine Principle. (Vol. 611, 09.5.17)

Rev. Moon has no relationship with the blood lineage of the fallen world. (Vol. 492, 05.4.15) 

What I am saying is I started out going beyond the origin of the fallen lineage of the historical ages. (Vol. 500, 05.7.6) 

You came from Satan and I came from heaven. (Vol. 220, 91.10.19)

God embraced and raised up True Father from the time he was born and throughout his childhood. It had to be so, because the Second Coming of the Messiah must have completely eliminated the conditions for Satan’s accusation. 

From the viewpoint of original nature, God has raised up True Father since he was young just like Adam and Eve before the Fall. (Vol. 495, 05.5.5) 

The person who appears having eliminated completely the conditions for Satan’s accusation is the Second Coming of the Messiah. (Vol. 80, 75.10.19)

On the other hand, there are many other passages that say True Father was born with the fallen lineage and not born with the original lineage. 

I also was not born with God’s blood lineage but born through the fallen blood lineage, and thus I have to be engrafted. (Vol. 459, 04.7.13.) 

I am not a person who was born from the original lineage, but came through the genealogy of my mother from Satan’s world. (Vol. 463, 04.8.1) 

I was not born connected with God’s blood, flesh, life, and blood lineage. (Vol. 479, 04.12.4.) 

I was not born after the purification of my lineage like Jesus who was called the only begotten Son. (Vol. 500, 05.7.11.)

True Father was born amidst the blood lineage of Satan’s world, the fallen world. True Father also was not connected with the love, life and lineage of unfallen parents and was born from fallen lineage. 

Thus, we find many words on both sides, some asserting that True Father was born of a heavenly lineage and others that he was of a fallen lineage. Even so, it is evident that True Father was born with a different lineage than fallen people who only have the fallen lineage. This indicates not only that True Father was born with the possibility of becoming the Messiah, but also that he was predestined for the mission of the Messiah who only has a heavenly lineage.

We can assert that from vertical perspective, because True Father inherited the status of Messiah from Jesus who was born without original sin, he also was born without original sin. At the same time, from a horizontal perspective his lineage was fallen, and hence True Father took responsibility to cleanse it.

4) The Conversion of True Father’s lineage

When he was 16 years old, True Father received the position and authority of the Messiah and began the mission of the Messiah when he met Jesus. In that position, having received the identity and the authority of the only begotten Son, there was no condition for Satan to accuse him. In other words, he came to stand in the position to carry on God’s unique blood lineage. Therefore, the conversion or restoration of his lineage was not necessary.

If True Father were to stand in the position of the Messiah from birth without inheriting the mission from Jesus, the course of conversion of his lineage would have certainly been required, as it had been for Jesus at the first coming. However, because God anointed True Father with the position of Jesus’ Second Coming, that kind of course of lineage conversion was not necessary.

In Sermons we cannot find True Parents’ words that support the notion that True Father was born based on a course of the conversion of his lineage. On the contrary, we can find words that True Father’s lineage was not specially purified in the manner that Jesus’ lineage was. Jesus came to have the authority of the eldest son by means of the conversion of his lineage, but True Father went to the position of a parent without the conversion of his lineage. Jesus emerged after his ancestors passed through the historical pain of restoring his blood lineage, however, True Father’s ancestors did not need to go through that path.

True Father was not born like Jesus, who came as the only begotten Son after the purification of his blood lineage. (Vol. 500, 05.7.11) 

On account of the conversion of lineage, Jesus came to have the authority of the eldest son, but True Father went to the position of a parent without the conversion of his lineage. (Vol. 492, 05.4.7) 

Jesus emerged after passing through the historical pain of restoring his lineage, True Father did not go that path. (Vol. 493, 05.4.25)

5) True Father becoming the only begotten Son from the viewpoint of predestination

From the view point of the predestination, while True Father was predestined by God at his birth to receive the mission of the Messiah and was born with the potential to become the Messiah, he became the anointed as the Messiah for humankind by means of completing his human portion of responsibility. In fact, as explained in the Predestination chapter in EDP, True Father was born among the chosen people, with the merit of his ancestors, in the right place, at the right time, and with a very special heavenly personality. After his birth, because he completed the required conditions for the mission of the Messiah through his extraordinary lifestyle, he could receive his messianic mission at the age of sixteen. Let us consider more details.

First, there was God’s protection and preparation for True Father. True Father was born and raised in the realm of God’s protection since his birth and through his childhood. God embraced and raised him from his youth.

The foundation of my birth was different from others. I grew up in the realm of God’s protection since my birth and childhood. Therefore, Satan cannot kill the Lord at the Second Coming. (Vol. 502, 05.7.28) 

From the perspective of original nature, from the time I was born and ever since my childhood, God embraced me and raised me up just as He did for Adam and Eve before the fall. (Vol. 495, 05.5.5)

God had prepared the lineage that True Father was born into. Although his ancestors were fallen, they demonstrated a higher standard than ordinary people of the world.

When Heaven gave birth to me, already the standard Heaven had prepared for me to be born through my lineage was better than the position you received by virtue of your birth from parents who received the Marriage Blessing. (Vol. 137, 86.1.3) 

Second, as evidence for God’s predestination of True Father, there are people who met and received guidance from him even before he was born. Some testified that True Father appeared to them like an elderly man with grey hair.

There are many people who met me even before I was born. Even before I was born on this earth, elderly people who were spiritually open already experienced me guiding them. (Cham 1.1.2:30, 07.10.25) 

There are many people who had met me before I was born. They had met me and received my guidance in their lives even before I was born. (Vol. 500, 05.7.6) 

When I was growing up, there were many testimonies by numerous prophets. I was not even born yet, but I showed up as a grandfather with grey hair and taught the way. There is a lot of that kind of history. (Vol. 536, 06.8.23)

Third, there was preparation for True Father on the family level. During the twelve years before True Father was born, his family suffered such incredible difficulties that they were nearly destroyed.

To enable me to be born in my family, over a few decades my family’s foundation was totally destroyed. I was born while my family went through all kinds of difficulties. I saw with my own eyes the kind of sacrifice my family paid. I know it well because I went through it myself. (Vol. 62, 72.9.17) 

During the 12 years before I was born, what kind of things happened? My family’s foundation was destroyed completely. I had to cut off the connection to my own beloved father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, and my favorite teachers whom I dearly trusted and loved. It is very strange. (Vol. 242, 93.1.1)

Fourth was preparation for True Father on the national level. True Father couldn’t be conceived under the sovereignty of the Japanese, because he had to be born on the foundation of the nation that made conditions for his coming. That is why True Father was conceived during the period of the independence movement led by Yoo Gwan-soon.

She shouted Mansei at the age of sixteen, even though her body was chopped into six pieces. That was the preparation for True Parents to come. I was conceived during the period of the independence movement led by Yoo Gwan-soon. I couldn’t be conceived amid the name of the nation of Japan. I had to be born on the foundation of a conditional nation. (Vol. 286, 97.8.9)

When I was born, I could not be born in a place under the dominion of the Satan’s world. Because I had to emerge after connecting the lineage from a place where blood had been shed for the sake of Heaven, that happened to her at the age of 16. I was born on the foundation of the blood that she shed. (Vol. 330, 00.8.22)

Fifth, True Father was born with a special natural disposition. True Father knew much about the Will of God from birth. By the time he was 10 years old he understood everything that one needs to know about the world.

I knew things through learning (學而知之), knew things from birth (生而知之), and then what? Shin I ji ji. Shin I ji ji! What is “shin” in shin I ji ji? Is it the character meaning new (新)? [Shin (神) means God.] I knew God’s Will. From my birth, I knew God’s Will. (Vol. 505, 05.8.24) <

I received God’s calling at the age of 16. Yet, before the age of 16 I had the standard that my original conscience and body were one—the unfallen model. I understood things well from my birth. (Vol. 493, 05.4.27) 

I already understood all worldly things from the age of 10. I was born after God had prepared for a few thousand years so that I would be able to understand that world. (Cham 1.1.2:30, 07.10.25)

From birth True Father had the mind of a genius, and when he was 8 years old he began doing matchmaking.

While I say one word, I am thinking about three or four different things. I immediately associate things together. From my birth, I had the mind of a genius. (Vol. 229, 92.4.12) 

I was born with such ability. I was a matchmaker since I was eight years old. Including the distant relatives in my village. (Vol. 182, 88.10.23)

Thus, it was after True Father fulfilled all the conditions of birth and growth that enabled him to become the ancestor of humankind that God called him to the mission of the Messiah. He received the mission on the foundation after fulfilling the conditions of the central figure set forth in Divine Principle. (EDP, 219) He was born among the chosen people, with the merit of the Moon clan, in the right place, at the right time, with a very special heavenly personality, and until the age of sixteen when he received the mission, he accomplished his specially required conditions through his extraordinary lifestyle.

As discussed previously, since there are both kinds of passages, that True Father was born with the heavenly lineage and born with the fallen lineage, based on predestination we can understand that he was born with the possibility of becoming the Messiah. We can say that the heavenly lineage is connected to God’s portion of responsibility, in which God calls, sends and chooses. On the other hand, we can say that the elimination of the fallen lineage is connected with True Father’s successful accomplishment of the human portion of responsibility, by which he could inherit the mission of Messiah.

6) True Father’s Perfection through the Marriage Supper of the Lamb

Having inherited the position of the only begotten Son, True Father attained the ideal of the tree of life as a perfected man. He did so first by completing his individual perfection through the path of the First Blessing and then by holding the Marriage Supper of the Lamb—the Holy Wedding, which is the Second Blessing, with True Mother who had been prepared. Thus, he completed what was required for him to have the status of the only begotten Son.

While Adam was born as the only begotten Son, he fell in the growth period. However, True Father fulfilled the responsibility of laying the foundation for his individual perfection. Thus he could hold the Marriage Supper of the Lamb and become the perfected only begotten Son.

To accomplish this, during the period after age 16 when he was realizing his individual perfection, he found the Unification Principle, which is the New Truth.

Adam and Eve fell by disobeying God’s Word and could not realize the substantiation of the Word. Therefore, Messiah must find the words of truth of Heaven as the providence of the start. (Pyeong 348, 12.9.17) 

Since the age of 16 when I received a revelation from Heaven, the result of my ten-year research to resolve this problem is the New Truth that you call the Unification Principle, Godism, and Head-Wing Thought. (Pyeong 1037-38, 92.8.24) 

Newly knowing all of the secrets of Heaven, of Satan, and of human history from the age of 16, I am moving forward reversing this order. (Cham 2.3.2:9, 05.4.25)

Also, True Father delved into the meaning of God’s Will and fought against tremendous odds to fulfill the providence of restoration for the sake of human salvation.

Since receiving God’s calling as a boy of sixteen, I have delved into the meaning of God’s Will and fought against tremendous odds to fulfill the providence of restoration for the sake of human salvation. (Cheon 2041; 00.2.9) 

Ever since I unexpectedly came into contact with the Will of Heaven while in prayer at the age of sixteen, I have devoted my life and given all my thought and effort to bringing about the fulfillment of the Will of God. (Pyeong 1274, 00.3.8; 1261, 00.2.10)

Once he understood his portion of responsibility by the Principle, True Father completed it to achieve his individual perfection, which is the First Blessing.

Father received the mission from Jesus at the age of sixteen. There was the growth period for Adam and Eve. Father, in the position of having received the responsibility, had to fulfill his responsibility. To begin his mission as the Messiah at the Second Advent, Father had to go through indemnity. In that kind of vortex, Father ended up going to prison in North Korea. (16.10.4)

Next, True Father met True Mother and held the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in 1960. Thereby, he became the True Parent, a perfected human being according to God’s original ideal of creation.

When True Father was sixteen years old, Jesus appeared and asked him to accomplish the responsibility that Jesus could not fulfill. That is way True Father had to indemnify the 33-year course of Jesus. And during that period, True Father had to find words that Heaven wished to teach. True Father accomplished such providential responsibility and held the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in 1960 when meeting the only begotten Daughter. (16.6.5)

Thus, at the conclusion of God’s long providential history of restoration, True Father finally became the perfected human ancestor according to God’s original ideal of creation.

After the Holy Wedding, True Father walked the path of True Parents together with True Mother to establish the ideal world. Until his passing, True Father walked the path of True Parents on earth. After his passing, True Father in the spirit world and True Mother based on earth formed a union of heaven and earth and continue walking the path of True Parents. When True Mother passes away later, True Parents will walk the path of True Parents in the spirit world eternally on the cosmic level.

As we consider these points, True Father’s position as the only begotten Son began when at age 16 he received Heaven’s decree from God. Because he received the mission of the Lord of the Second Advent from Jesus who is the Lord of the First Advent, he fully inherited Jesus’ status as a man born without original sin, who does not require the conversion of his lineage. Thus, from vertical perspective True Father was born without original sin, even as from a horizontal perspective his lineage was fallen. Since then, True Father took responsibility to accomplish all the conditions required of the only begotten Son by cleansing his lineage and fulfilling his portion of responsibility during the growth period in the realm of indirect dominion. On the foundation, by holding the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in 1960, True Father became the perfected only begotten Son and manifested as the True Parent.

True Mother as the Only Begotten Daughter, and the Matter of Original Sin

We can understand the matter of True Mother being the only begotten daughter and without original sin by first thoroughly studying and analyzing True Father’s words. Then, based on that we can go on to examine the regime of truth of the Unification Principle and look into the words of True Mother.

To save the fallen humanity, God sent Jesus as the Messiah to the Israelites whom He had nurtured as the chosen people for four thousand years. However, due to the failure of the family of Mary, Zachariah, Elizabeth, and John the Baptist, and due to the distrust and ignorance of the disciples, the Israelites, and their religious leaders, Jesus died on the cross without being able to accomplish the ideal of true parents.

Therefore, God’s providence to send the only begotten Daughter centering on Israel moved to a people who would inherit God’s legacy and bear its fruit.

According to the Principle, if a central figure chosen by Heaven cannot fulfill a responsibility, Heaven changes his position. God is not sending the only begotten Daughter through Israel. The omniscient and omnipotent God cannot fail. God has nurtured the only begotten Daughter. (14.7.1) 

Jesus has no place to stand. Therefore, he had no choice but to die on the cross. When he died, he said he would come again. Israel, which could not fulfill its responsibility, cannot be used again. That could be a condition of Satan’s accusation. That is why Heaven had no option but to choose a new people and nation in order to build a foundation for the only begotten Daughter. Simply speaking, it is the Han [Korean] people. (16.5.8)

The Han or Korean people were those people, prepared by God.[9] It is among that people that True Father, the only begotten Son who inherited the mission of the Messiah at the Second Advent, could find True Mother and hold the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

However, we must pay attention to the point that True Mother could not inherit the position of the only begotten Daughter, unlike True Father who inherited the position of the only begotten Son of the heavenly lineage from Jesus. As was the case of Jesus, to be born in the position of the only begotten Daughter without original sin True Mother had to be born of the heavenly lineage by the conversion of her lineage. Otherwise, she could not have walked the path of the First Blessing and been prepared to join the Marriage Supper of the Lamb to fulfill the Second Blessing. Also, we must pay attention to the fact that True Mother had to be born in a thoroughly Christian family.

The two thousand-year history of Christianity must find and prepare the only begotten Daughter… There must be the only begotten Daughter in front of the Messiah at the Second Advent who said he would come again. Because the only begotten Daughter must be born in a Christian family, providential history has been like that. (16.5.8) 

Based on this, we will examine in detail the issues of True Mother being the only begotten daughter and of original sin from the following general viewpoints: (1) True Mother’s fundamental identity, (2) preparation for True Mother’s birth as the only begotten Daughter, (3) the conversion of True Mother’s lineage, (4) True Mother’s lineage, and (5) her course of individual perfection and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. By comprehensively analyzing the above viewpoints, we will come to have a clear understanding of True Mother being the only begotten daughter who is without original sin.

1) True Mother’s fundamental identity

True Father’s fundamental identity was that he was the Second Advent of the Messiah, who inherited the mission of the Messiah from Jesus at the age of sixteen. On the other hand, True Mother’s fundamental identity is that she was in a position where she did not inherit any mission, and so she needed to be born as the newly qualified only begotten Daughter. True Mother’s position is such that she had to lay the foundation from the bottom.

True Mother could not inherit the position of the only begotten Daughter from the time of Jesus. Since the person who was supposed to become the only begotten Daughter as Jesus’ bride failed to achieve the status of the only begotten Daughter that was lost at the time of Eve’s fall, there was no possibility for True Mother to inherit the mission and position of the only begotten Daughter.

2) Preparation for True Mother’s birth as the only begotten Daughter

Since the only begotten Daughter, who comes as the third Eve, had no position to inherit, she needed to go through the process of the conversion of lineage. In that sense, recovering the only begotten Daughter was most important achievement in the history of Christianity since the time of Jesus.

The position of the only begotten Son that was found and established by Heaven after four thousand years still remains. Since God created both Adam and Eve, there had to be a providential history to find the only begotten Daughter. (14.7.1) 

The foundation for the only begotten Son laid by Jesus still survives, and the two-thousand-year history of Christianity, which is the history of the providence of Heaven, has been the history for recovering the Bride. (14.6.14) 

God made many preparations for the birth of True Mother. He sent revelations, prophecies and visions in dreams about her birth and mission. Right before and after her birth, True Mother received revelations and blessings, such as “She will be the bride of Heaven,” “She will become the queen of the universe,” and “She will be the mother of the universe.” True Mother’s family practiced a strict life of Christian faith centered on God, and He was with them.

Moreover, her ancestors and family made preparations for True Mother’s birth. Her ancestor Jo Han-jun invested all his wealth in a project for the public good, and her maternal grandmother and Daemonim, on the foundation of their strong Christian faith, led lives of service, preparation, devotion and dedication for the Returning Lord. They made such prepara-tions for True Mother’s birth. Other preparations that were made before True Mother’s birth included a prepared environment through such spiritual churches as the Holy Lord Church and the Inside the Womb Church. They too prepared True Mother to inherit the mission and receive the Blessing.

True Parents’ words regarding the birth of the only begotten Daughter are as follows: First, God prepared for the birth of the only begotten Daughter, giving revelations and support to her mother Hong Soon-ae (Daemonim) and her maternal grandmother Jo Won-mo.

True Mother always feels that Heaven prepared everything. (Cham 2.4.2:72, 99.10.21) 

The spiritual church to which Daemonim belonged received God’s calling, continually received revelations from God, and overcame difficulties by attending God. (Cham 2.2.1:4, 77.5.3) 

My mother, Daemonim and my maternal grandmother totally immersed themselves in serving God with their utmost devotion and sacrificed anything for the way of the Will. That is why God was continually with our family. (Cham 2.2.3:12, 14.10.11) 

Second, her mother and grandmother were women of strong faith and conviction regarding the New Truth.

Daemonim offered conditions of devotion every day while searching for new words of truth. She would travel to the Holy Lord Church in Cheolsan, which was about 120 kilometers away. (Cham 2.2.2:2, 13.12.6) 

Daemonim proclaimed that the Returning Lord would be born on earth as a human being and participated in the new churches that God created for that purpose. (Cham 2.2.3:16, 94.11.7) 

Daemonim prayed hard, believing that the New Lord would come to South Korea. (Cham 2.4.2:19, 13.12.6)

Third, there was a family foundation for the birth of True Mother.

God sought a woman through the Han clan, which was known to be a royal and prestigious lineage with a long and enduring history. (Cham 2.2.2:10, 13.12.6)

God’s creation of the environment started with her ancestor Jo Han-jun, and that preparation was connected to True Mother. (Cham 2.2.2:5, 12.12.25) 

Mother’s ancestor Jo Han-jun spent all his wealth to build a bridge. (Cham 2.2.2:4, 99.10.21) 

Fourth, there was the special preparation made by her grandmother Jo Won-mo and her mother Hong Soon-ae (Daemonim).

Grandmother Jo Won-mo was born into a Christian family. She had deep faith and love for her country. (Cham 2.2.3:7, 14.10.11) 

My maternal grandmother lived a fervent life of faith at the Holy Lord Church. (Cham 2.2.3:7, 14.10.11) 

With my grandmother’s fervent life of faith, my mother attended a Presbyterian Church until she was 19 years old. (Cham 2.2.3:7, 14.10.11) 

My maternal grandmother and my mother searched everywhere for those groups. They lived their lives only for the Will, preparing for the day when they could meet the Lord. (Cham 2.2.3:6, 99.10.21)

She devoted her life completely to finding the Returning Lord and then lived her whole life in attendance to him. She actively searched for him. (Cham 2.2.3:5, 89.12.2) 

Throughout their lives my grandmother and my mother lived their lives of faith preparing to receive the Returning Lord. They did not compromise with the world. They were totally dedicated to heaven 24 hours a day. (Cham 2.4.1:2, 99.10.21) 

My mother first followed the New Jesus Church, then the Holy Lord Church and finally the Inside the Womb Church. In that church, she fervently prayed with longing for the Lord to return. (Cham 2.4.1:5, 13.12.6)

Fifth, there was revelations and dreams about the birth of True Mother and her mission, both in her mother’s generation and in the life of her ancestor Jo Han-jun.

Daemonim gave birth to True Mother based on a command from Heaven. I could not choose just anyone to be in the position of True Mother; there had to be spiritual works like this going on in the background. (Cham 2.4.3:8, 06.9.17) 

My mother received a revelation, “If you give birth to a son, he will be the king of the universe, and if a daughter, she will be the queen of the universe.” (Cham 2.2.1:5, 77.5.3) 

“Han-jun, you offered distinguished service to your nation, and as a reward I wanted to send the Son of Heaven to your family. However, when you used those three coins for yourself, you did not completely fulfill Heaven’s condition, so I will send you the Princess of Heaven instead.” He woke up from that dream and ran to the Dallae River. There on a hill above the river he found that a stone statue of the Maitreya Buddha had appeared. (Cham 2.2.2:4, 99.10.21; Cham 2.2.2:5, 12.12.25)

Sixth, the spiritual churches to which her family belonged provided a prepared environment for her and enabled her to inherit the mission.

The mission of the spiritual churches to which Daemonim belonged was passed down through three generations, and True Mother was born at the culmination of their revelations. (2.2.1:4, 77.5.3) 

True Mother’s family wanted more than anyone else to know all the secrets about the spirit world. (Cham 2.2.2:6, 07.8.24) 

In Korea, there were many spiritual churches. True Mother was born into a spiritual family that was specially prepared. (Cham 2.2.1:4, 77.5.3) 

True Mother received blessings from the pastors of the New Jesus Church and also from the Inside the Womb Church. True Mother’s family had to be that way. (2.4.3:6, 03.1.23) 

Inheriting the foundations of the Holy Lord Church and the Inside the Womb Church, True Mother has received the blessings of the First and Second Eve. (Cham 1.1.2:44, 94.11.20)

3) The conversion of True Mother’s lineage

For True Mother to become the only begotten Daughter of the heavenly lineage without original sin, there absolutely had to be the conversion of her lineage. True Father often said that originally, human beings should have formed a family of three generations centered on God. Due to the Fall, Satan claimed those three generations; hence, the three generations had to be reclaimed. Thus, the restoration of lineage is carried out through three generations, after which one can be free of Satan’s accusation. There must be the indemnity and sacrifice in three generations, the three generations must unite as one, and Eve must be reclaimed through those three generations.

If Adam’s family had perfected the realm of three generations centering on God, the Human Fall may not have taken place at all. Then humanity would have become one family with three generations living together in harmony centering on God. (Vol. 485, 05.2.2) 

For a family to become a family of the heavenly kingdom, there must be three generations in it. For a family to enter the heavenly kingdom, three generations must be connected in it. (Vol. 414, 03.8.4) 

You too need to form families that are free of Satan’s accusation based on this standard of three generations. (Vol. 21, 68.9.1)

God should have been the first generation and Adam and Eve the second generation, and they should have had sons and daughters as the third generation, but Satan invaded this third generation. God lost the third generation. The fact that the third generation was lost means that the lineage went wrong. (Vol. 332, 00.9.10)

One nation is the heavenly nation, and the other nation is the satanic nation. Because we are battling to restore the lineage under such circumstances, we need to have three generations. (Vol. 36, 70.12.6) 

We need to perfect the three generations. Only then can God’s family be established on this earth. Since the third generation was stolen by Satan, the entire third generation must be recovered. (Vol. 310, 99.7.27) 

Because they had their children after the Fall centering on Satan, the third generation became the sons and daughters of Satan. The lost third generation must be reclaimed. (Vol. 403, 03.1.24)

As can be seen, the providence of the number three connects the creation, the fall and restoration, and is also connected to lineage. In Sermons True Father frequently spoke of the providence of the number three in relation to True Mother.

First, the one who was to become the True Mother had to be from a family of three generations of only daughters. She herself had to be an only daughter, because she would be working to establish the Will of the only Son. That family of three generations should offer themselves as sacrifices representing the three ages.

Three generations had to be connected behind the scenes to prepare True Mother. It is an original requirement that True Mother must be an only daughter. Adam was the original only Son; Jesus was the only Son. The Lord at the Second Advent is also the only Son from the perspective of God’s Will. Since the man through whom God accomplishes the Will is His only Son, the woman must be His only Daughter. (Cham 2.4.3:2, 91.11.10)

The one who was to become the True Mother had to be from a family of three generations with only daughters. This was so that the bloodline of Satan did not remain to defile them. True Mother’s mother was an only daughter, as was her own mother. Three generations were thus involved. (Cheon 11.5.2:6; 89.11.7)

For True Mother to emerge, there had to be preparation for three generations—her maternal grandmother, her mother Daemonim, and True Mother. Without it, she would not be able to stand in the position of True Mother. Her grandmother brought her family to the Holy Lord Church. Her mother brought them to the Inside the Womb Church. (Cham 1.1.2:43, 06.9.30) 

In order to produce True Mother, a family of three generations had to offer themselves representing the three ages. The family had to have a line of only daughters. After True Mother was conceived, Daemonim set out on the path by herself. (Cham 2.4.3:9, 05.1.20)

Not just anyone could become True Mother. The unity of grandmother, mother and daughter was like connecting the Old Testament Age, New Testament Age and Completed Testament Age. True Mother is the center. (Cham 2.4.3:1, 91.1.2)

Second, True Mother could not appear without these three generations of her lineage serving three spiritual churches. Daemonim in particular also attended three spiritual churches. The spiritual churches represented three generations in the role of Eve. Rev. Kim Seong-do of the Holy Lord Church, Rev. Heo Ho-bin of the Inside the Womb Church, and Daemonim serving the Returning Lord laid the foundation of restoring Eve through three stages, which was bequeathed to True Mother.

Everyone cannot help but respect True Mother. She emerged after passing through three spiritual churches. Over and over, she heard from her mother that the Lord will come in the future, and that when she meets him she must attend him this way and that. Daemonim repeatedly taught her so many times that her teaching was infused into Mother’s bone marrow. This is how she was educated to become True Mother. (Cham 2.4.3:10, 08.6.16)

Daemonim went a course in which she attended three persecuted churches. She attended the New Jesus Church, the Holy Lord Church, and then the Inside the Womb Church, before finally coming to the Unification Church. Her history of attending these three churches before meeting me qualified her lineage to be the lineage from which True Mother could come. (Cham 2.4.3:8, 06.9.17) 

Rev. Kim Seong-do, founder of the Holy Lord Church, was the first generation; another line was represented by Rev. Heo Ho-bin of the Inside the Womb Church. Their work laid the foundation that was bequeathed to True Mother. They formed the mainstream history from which Daemonim inherited the tradition of faith; but she was the first of these forerunners to actually attend the Returning Lord. By giving birth to True Mother, she completed the work of these women who had labored through three generations to carry out the role of Eve. She prepared discreetly, knowing that the Will would bear fruit in True Mother’s generation. (Cham 2.2.3:16, 94.11.7)

Third, the three generations of True Mother’s family had to lay a foundation of preparing to receive the Returning Lord.

For True Mother to be born into this world, there had to be three generations of women born as only daughters in their families and they were required to build a meritorious foundation for the Returning Lord. When you look at Mother’s family tree, her maternal grandmother Cho Won-Mo, her mother Hong Soon-Ae, and Mother herself were each only daughters in their families. (Cham 2.4.3:3, 91.10.20)

Three generations of True Mother’s family made preparations to receive the Returning Lord. All of this led to Mother receiving the blessing on the foundation of her connection to all those spiritual works and to the core essence of the Korean people. (Cham 2.4.3:4, 90.12.25)

From the above, we can see that the providence of the number three is required for the conversion of lineage for the birth of the only begotten Daughter. We also come to understand the special mission and victorious life of her mother, Daemonim.

One thing we need to note in regard to the conversion of True Mother’s lineage is that Sermons does not contain any words to the effect that, “True Mother’s original sin was cleansed and her lineage was converted through True Father.” Also, it does not say that Jesus, the only begotten Son, converted the lineage of his Bride who was to become the only begotten Daughter and cleansed her original sin. Moreover, it does not say that the conversion of the Bride’s lineage and cleansing of her original sin was carried out by the Bridegroom through the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. And there are no words to the effect that the conversion of the lineage of the only begotten Daughter who comes as the third Eve, and the cleansing of her original sin, is carried out by the only begotten Son, the Returning Lord who comes as the third Adam. 

The fact is, True Father emphasized that the relationship of lineage is a vertical relationship between parents and children and not a horizontal relationship between husband and wife or between siblings. What this suggests is that the conversion of True Mother’s lineage and the cleansing of her original sin was carried out by her mother through mother-child cooperation, just as it was in the case of Jesus.

4) True Mother’s lineage

Jesus was born as the only begotten Son after undergoing the process of cleansing the fallen lineage in three stages, carried out in the historical course of the chosen people of the first Israel. Similarly, True Mother was born into the position of the only begotten Daughter after undergoing the process of cleansing the fallen lineage through the providence of the number three, carried out in the historical course of the people of Korea. Because she stands in the position of God’s daughter born of the heavenly lineage, Satan cannot accuse True Mother. The fact that there are no conditions for Satan’s accusations means that there is no original sin.[10]

Because True Mother possessed this condition and status, she was able to walk for the first time the course of individual perfection in the position of Eve before the fall. Furthermore, as the third Eve, together with True Father as the third Adam they were able to hold the Marriage Supper of the Lamb and possess the status of the ancestors of humankind. In addition, they could stand in the position of True Parents and eliminate the original sin by performing the Blessing, which converts the lineage of all those who receive it to the heavenly lineage. Therefore, it goes without saying that possessing the heavenly lineage was the necessary condition for True Mother’s providential course.

True Father gave many speeches on True Mother’s heavenly lineage that can be found in Sermons.[11] Several say that True Mother is of the pure lineage, that she is free of Satan’s accusation, and that she was born into the position that has nothing to do with the fall. 

All the conditions had to be met before choosing True Mother. The first condition concerned the lineage of which she was born. It was important to discern whether she was born linked to a lineage vulnerable to accusations from Satan’s world, or born of a lineage with hidden links by which she could overcome such accusations. (Cheon 11.5.2:9, 87.11.1)

The Returning Lord comes to find the mother of humanity. The Lord, who is the bridegroom, is not looking for a bride within the fallen realm. He is looking for the woman who was born of the unfallen, pure lineage. (Vol. 35, 70.10.19)

The holy wine ceremony will be held in the following order: first comes Church President Kuboki of Japan, followed by Church President Kim, and next comes Mrs. Choi Won-Bok, who stands in the position of the Cain-type mother restored from the fallen world, and after her, True Mother, who stands in the position of the unfallen mother. (Vol. 35, 70.10.18)

True Mother invited Church elders to Cheon Jeong Gung Palace on February 24, 2016. At the meeting, she said, “Just as Jesus, completely unrelated to the fall, was born after the people of Israel went through the providence of indemnity for four thousand years, I too was born into a similar position. Therefore, I have no original sin.” These words of True Mother are consistent with all that we have examined above. 

5) True Mother’s course of individual perfection and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb

To fulfill her portion of responsibility after her birth, True Mother needed to pass through the growth period in the realm of indirect dominion with complete faith. During True Mother’s growth period, she received God’s preparation, revelations from the spiritual churches, guidance and support from her mother and grandmother, and Heaven’s protection. Living in a thoroughly Christian family environment, True Mother followed a strict life of faith by attending God as her Father. Also, centering on the New Truth, she sincerely prepared, devoted, and trained herself for the Lord at the Second Advent. By separating from fallen world, True Mother victoriously walked the path of growth. 

Although she was born as the only begotten Daughter, True Mother through the course of individual perfection became the perfected only begotten Daughter. Then, by the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, she became a True Parent. Thus, True Mother realized the woman who has perfected the ideal of creation, which was God’s ideal from the very beginning of the world, the veritable “tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” This is the course that Eve before the Fall should originally have passed through. 

When we examine this kind of principled and providential course, we come to understand that the Holy Wedding in 1960 was the ceremony for True Mother, who was already the perfected only begotten Daughter, to manifest herself as the True Parent of humanity. It was not a ceremony for the conversion of her lineage, nor was it a ceremony for True Mother to stand in the position of the only begotten Daughter. The reason is because the Marriage Blessing, the Second Blessing, is possible only if one is in the position of individual perfection, which is the First Blessing. 

Here are True Parents’ words regarding True Mother’s course to individual perfection. First, there were God’s revelations and preparation. 

God came to visit me and gave me revelations and guidance. (Cham 2.4.4:2, 77.5.3) 

Heo Ho-bin’s mother said that she received a revelation from heaven and gave me the blessing. (Cham 2.2.1:7) 

True Mother lived like a nun. Her life was separated from the secular environment as Heaven’s preparation, so that one day True Mother could meet the Lord at the Second Advent and become his Bride. (Cham 2.4.2:6, 77.5.3) 

Everything that God had prepared was realized in 1960. (Cham 2.2.1:8, 71.12.29)

Second, there were God’s guidance and training. 

God led me to lead a simple life that did not require me to compromise with the secular world. God set up circumstances that thoroughly protected me, and in such surroundings I eliminated my own thoughts and led my life by letting God alone guide me. (Cham 2.4.2:7, 99.10.21) 

It was unbearable even to think about the path I walked. It was a succession of trials that caused me suffering difficult to endure. Just as God tested Father after He chose him, God did the same to me, again and again. And just as Satan tested Father and Jesus, he also tested me. (Cham 2.4.4:2, 77.5.3) 

True Father once said that in order that I would not be in contact with circumstances full of worldly temptations, God led me to a life that was separated from the world. (Cham 2.4.1:6, 4.10.11)

Third, there was True Mother’s own knowledge of God and of the God-centered life she would live. Thus, when True Mother met True Father, she was already aware of the history of the providence of restoration through indemnity. 

When I met True Father, I already knew providential history. I had not studied the Principle, but I knew about the history of the providence of restoration through indemnity. That is why I thought to myself, “For True Father to be able to proclaim that he has completed and concluded his mission as the Messiah, I must offer him my effort in support. I will not shift that responsibility to any other person. As for myself, I will accomplish that responsibility. I will advance the Will for as long as I live and bring it to pass. Without a doubt, I will defeat Satan.” (Cham 2.4.2:15, 13.8.24)

My grandmother repeatedly told me, “Your father is Heavenly Father.” Thus, when we talked about my father I always thought about Heavenly Father rather than my physical father. Whenever I thought of God I always had a warm feeling. (Cham 2.4.1:3, 99.10.21)

Fourth, there was True Mother’s training, from a young age, that prepared her to dedicate herself and establish her foundation. 

Daemonim repeatedly taught True Mother how to attend the Returning Lord; she did it so many times that her teaching infused into Mother’s bone marrow. This is how she was educated to become True Mother. (Cham 2.4.3:10, 08.6.16) 

In the Inside the Womb Church, Daemonim fervently prayed with longing for the Lord to return. When I was about four years old, I began to make conditions of devotion with her, by offering bows at her side. (Cham 2.4.1:5, 13.12.6) 

Since Daemonim walked a path of trials and tribulations in order to receive the Returning Lord, I naturally participated in doing so alongside her. (Cham 2.2.3:12, 14.10.11)

Fifth, there were her maternal grandmother Jo Won-mo’s special love and education. 

She greatly loved True Mother and devoted special attention to raising her. (Cham 2.2.2:6, 07.8.24) 

She always said to True Mother “Your father is God.” (Cham 2.4.1:3, 99.10.21) 

My grandmother knew God’s Will for me, so she cared for me with sincerity. She raised me in purity, untainted by the world, so that I might become the precious daughter whom Heaven could use. (Cham 2.4.1:3, 99.10.21) 

Their only thought was to follow the path of absolute obedience and absolute submission to God with single-minded devotion. They were even oblivious to taking care of their health as they followed the way of Heaven’s heart. (Cheon 11.5.2:6, 89.11.7) 

Through her maternal grandmother, True Mother naturally inherited my faith. (Cham 2.4.1:2, 99.10.21) 

My grandmother Jo Won-mo led us in daily family worship. She made a point of staying away from evil influences in her daily life. She told me many Bible stories. (Cham 2.4.2:18, 13.12.6)

Sixth, there was Daemonim’s special foundation of devotion and protection. 

True Mother was conceived nine years after her parents’ marriage, as the fruit of their sincere devotion and devout life of faith. (Cham 2.2.1:5, 77.5.3) 

Daemonim thought to herself, “Since Satan tried to kill her as soon as she was born, I have to raise this child with my utmost sincere devotion. I am going to raise her pure, beautiful and untouched by sin, and then offer her to the Lord.” (Cham 2.2.1:2, 77.5.3) 

Daemonim resolved to raise me in purity until we could meet the Returning Lord. That is why she took me to Jeju Island. There she cultivated her spiritual life and subjected herself to harsh rigors, including eating nothing but uncooked food. (2.4.2:17, 13.12.6) 

Daemonim came to believe that the New Lord would come to South Korea. She prayed hard to meet the Returning Lord, while keeping to an ascetic diet of raw pine needles. (2.4.2:19, 13.12.6) 

She established the foundation for True Mother to meet True Father. (2.2.3:16, 94.11.7)

Daemonim read the Bible seriously and led a sincere life of faith with her utmost devotion, always keeping the Bible within her reach. Naturally, True Mother read the Bible with her and lived a life of faith guided by our Heavenly Parent. (Cham 2.4.2:18, 13.12.6) 

For six years, Satan appeared in Daemonim’s dreams trying to kill True Mother. For six long years, Daemonim had to fight Satan. (2.4.1:4, 77.5.3) 

Under Daemonim’s strict education, True Mother spent her time immersed in reading books of various kinds. (Cham 2.4.2:5, 99.10.21)

Seventh, there were revelations, prophecies, and blessings for True Mother. 

There were revelations about True Mother, saying she would become the Lord’s Bride, the Lord’s daughter, and other similar testimonies. (Cham 2.4.2:19, 13.12.6) 

About one month after True Mother’s birth, Daemonim had a dream. Rev. Kim Seong-do of the New Jesus Church appeared to her in white clothes on a white cloud, and said, “Soon-ae, you must worry a lot about your baby. But don’t you worry. She is the daughter of the Lord, and you are like her nursemaid.” (Cham 2.4.1:1, 14.10.11) 

Daemonim, in her dream, symbolically saw the path that True Mother must follow. (Cham 2.2.1:3, 12.12.25) 

Rev. Heo Ho-bin’s mother received a revelation, “True Mother will become Heaven’s Bride.” (Cham 2.2.1:6, 77.5.3) 

True Mother received the blessing from Rev. Heo Ho-bin’s mother to become Heaven’s Bride. (2.4.3:3, 91.10.20)

Rev. Heo’s mother gave me a benediction that I would take the position of that Bride. She said in her prayer that I was supposed to fulfill a great mission. (Cham 2.2.1:7, 99.10.21) 

Rev. Heo’s mother gave her blessing to Mother when she was six. That blessing symbolized the bequeathal to Mother, the succession of the mission. (Cham 2.2.1:8, 71.12.29) 

An enlightened Buddhist gave a testimony about True Mother when she was an elementary school student, “This daughter is so precious that not even ten sons can match her. So please raise her well. When she reaches 17, she will marry a man who is much older than she is. She will live in great wealth, with fortune from the land, sea and sky.” (Cham 2.4.2:17, 13.12.6)

Eighth, True Mother was born with a heavenly character, different from other people. 

True Mother could speak and walk before she was a year old. When she spoke, her pronunciation was very clear. This is why her grandmother said, “This child is different.” True Mother had a good mind, and she was never the slightest bit untidy. (Cham 2.4.1:1, 14.10.11) 

True Mother always wants to give something not only to her own children but also to you, the members of her church family. Whatever precious things she has, she finds joy in giving them to others. (Cham 2.4.4:5, 77.2.23) 

True Mother was born with keen spiritual intuition. She is extremely insightful and observant about people and things, and her judgment is very accurate and clear. (Cham 2.4.4:4, 77.2.23) 

Even though I grew up in an incomprehensibly difficult environment, I had nothing to complain about. I lived with a feeling that something or someone was embracing me. (Cham 2.4.1:3, 99.10.21) 

Ninth, True Mother was an exemplary and beloved student. 

My teachers loved and protected me at every school I attended. I am not sure whether it was because I gave them the impression I was reliable and modest, but for some reason my teachers cared for me. (Cham 2.4.2:5, 99.10.21) 

I was known as a student who liked reading and listening to music in a comfortable and quiet atmosphere. Also, people had the impression that I was quite intellectual. I was not extremely emotional or excitable. Come to think of it, I might have given a first impression of being a little cold. In the dormitory I lived like a nun. My life was sheltered from the secular environment. (Cham 2.4.2:6, 77.5.3) 

True Mother eyes and hands show how observant and sensitive she is. When she hears sentences, she analyzes its structure—what the subject is, what the object is, what the clauses are, and so forth. (Cham 2.4.2:9, 04.1.31) 

Mother is so natural on stage. Regardless of the audience, she stands tall on stage like a champion. (Cham 2.4.2:8, 92.2.10) 

Tenth, True Mother overcame many hardships and difficulties. 

I was not a perfect person from the outset; rather, I had to walk a path toward perfection. The standard I had to attain was very high. Sometimes I even thought it was impossible to continue on my path and reach the goal. (Cham 2.4.4:1, 77.5.3) 

I endured all my suffering and fought through it with faith to finally arrive at the level of perfection. Now I feel victorious, because I have climbed up to the standard where Satan can no longer invade me. (Cham 2.4.4:2, 77.5.3) 

After eating the first seaweed soup after my delivery, my mother Daemonim fell asleep holding me in her arms; then she had a dream. In that dream, a darkish Satan with horns on his head appeared to her. He said, “Because of the birth of this child, I will have to die,” and then he tried to kill me. Daemonim thought, “I have to raise this child with my utmost sincere devotion. I am going to raise her pure, beautiful and untouched by sin, and then offer her to the Lord.” (Cham 2.2.1:2, 77.5.3) 

Until I was six, I lived in Anju, South Pyeongan Province. During those years, Satan would appear in my mother’s dreams trying to kill me. (Cham 2.4.1:4, 77.5.3)

Through this discussion of True Mother’s course to become the perfect only begotten Daughter, we can understand special role of Daemonim. Because at the time of the First Advent Mary could not fulfill her responsibility, Jesus the only begotten Son could not find the only begotten Daughter, and therefore the True Parents of Humankind could not appear. Daemonim, on the other hand, with her strict life of faith based on absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience toward God and the Lord of the Second Advent, played a decisive role for True Mother to achieve that status. 

Daemonim’s role began in enabling True Mother to be born as the only begotten Daughter and then in protecting her: 

Daemonim is the only woman who found and attended the Lord at the Second Advent through three generations centering on the history of Christianity and who gave a birth to the only begotten Daughter by protecting the family of the only begotten Daughter. (14.10.27) 

Daemonim gave birth to the only begotten Daughter and worked really hard at the center of the providence for the path of the Returning Messiah and True Parents, more than she did for her own family. That is why even in the spiritual world, she is in the position of helping me, the only begotten Daughter, on earth. (16.10.5)

The point that we focus on again is that if True Mother were not born as the only begotten Daughter with heavenly lineage and without original sin, she could not go the path of individual perfection and therefore, she could not hold the Marriage Supper of the Lamb together with True Father. This is because it is the Principle of Creation that they receive God’s Blessing of marriage after having achieved individual perfection in the position of the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter. 

To summarize, True Mother became the only begotten Daughter through the conversion of her lineage, like Jesus. As a result, True Mother had the qualification and status of the only begotten Daughter when she began her growth period. The Holy Wedding in 1960, which was the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, could take place because the only begotten Daughter had attained individual perfection by completing the course of the First Blessing.



Although the concept of the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter had not previously been in the spotlight, in fact it is essential for understanding the Unification Principle and to live a correct life of faith. This is because the foundation of the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter makes it possible for us to realize the Three Great Blessings and the ideal world. It is one of the most important concepts for understanding on the fundamental level the identity and mission of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, and to follow and attend them with hyojeong, the heart of filial piety. The only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter are deeply connected to true love, true life and true lineage, which are the foundation of the eternal ideal of creation. 

After achieving individual perfection as the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter and holding the Marriage Supper of the Lamb before God, True Parents walked together on the path of life-or-death determination, complete investment, and personal practice, and won many triumphs as they headed toward the ultimate goal of establishing the ideal world. True Father and True Mother together became the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, signifying that they had attained oneness in heart, oneness in body, oneness in ideology, oneness in core, and oneness in harmony with God. They achieved ultimate oneness and proclaimed their greatest victory, the establishment of Cheon Il Guk.

The life of True Parents who perfected the ideal of the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter teaches us the following three important points: 

First, we ourselves must become only begotten sons and only begotten daughters by inheriting the ideal of the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter that they perfected by becoming True Parents. In that sense, True Parents, as the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter, orient us to a vision of the future that humanity hopes to fulfill.

Second, the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind imply the perfect trinity of God–True Father–True Mother. Hence, to deny either that True Father is the only begotten Son or that True Mother is the only begotten Daughter is to deny that they are True Father and True Mother. And to deny either True Father or True Mother, or to deny that they have become one, implies that they are not the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. These points are the reason why we must firmly believe that True Mother is united with True Father. 

Third, since True Parents are the perfected substance of God, True Father’s words are the words spoken by God’s perfected substance, and True Mother’s words are the same. To deny the words of either True Father or True Mother is to deny that they together are the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, who are God’s perfected substance. An individual alone cannot become the perfected substance, the whole substance of Heavenly Parent who exists as the harmony and unity of His original yang and original yin. It is impossible for either a man alone or a woman alone to become God’s perfected substance. 

As True Mother emphasizes, the time has come for us to “reveal the truth,” even though it is not easy. To reveal the truth, the task at hand is to analyze and examine all of True Parents’ words and the Unification Principle, systematically and thoroughly. We also need many discussions to arrive at a prudent and balanced understanding of them. It should be consistent, logical and systematic. 

By understanding properly through the truth that True Parents are the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter, we can achieve eternal, unchanging and fundamental goal of our faith. This will become energy for us to overcome the confusion and difficulties that we are facing and to keep upright faith centering on God and True Parents. Moreover, it will generate vitality within us, so that we are able to invest completely in the work of restoration to establish the ideal world.



[1] Committee for the Publication of the Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon, Sermons of Rev. Sun Myung Moon, Vol. 1-615, (Seoul: Sung Hwa Publishing, 2016).

[2] Exposition of the Divine Principle (New York: HSA-UWC, 1996).

[3] There are several advantages to taking into consideration as many quotations as possible on a given subject: (1) increased significance, (2) increased universality, (3) increased clarity and accuracy, (4) understanding of diversity in expression, and (5) possible understanding and interpretation of special speeches. True Father said that he repeatedly spoke on important issues, and when he repeatedly spoke about an issue over a long period of time and in various circumstances, our confidence in the universality of his words is increased. Moreover, through many citations a clearer and more accurate message can be conveyed and the various expressions on one common subject can be better understood. What is more, comparing a greater number of quotations helps us take into consideration the various audiences, providential events, providential eras, as well as the various situations and venues at which the speeches were given. This is similar to research in the natural sciences, where collecting more data in an experiment or among observations, the easier it is to establish a more accurate principle or theory.

[4] This paper is an abridgement of Jin-Choon Kim, “True Parents as the Only Begotten Son and Only Begotten Daughter”, presented at the Foundation Assembly of Hyo Jeong Academic Center and International Academic Symposium, 2017.

[5] In Christian literature there hardly any references to the only begotten Son and only begotten Daughter, and references to the only begotten Daughter is almost nonexistent. There is some indirect references in Louis Berkhof’s Systematic Theology (I, II), John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion, and the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, but their perspectives are very different from True Parents’ viewpoint.

[6] Of course, there are speeches where the term was used to mean ‘unique’, ‘exclusive’, or ‘representative’: “What do I mean by asserting the term, ‘only begotten Son’? It means that I am unique, that I am the sole, unique father, the one and only father. It means I am the ‘only one’.” (Vol. 192, 89.7.2) “Who is the only begotten Son? He is the one who received the first love. It means he is the one and only person who has received love.” (Vol. 169, 87.10.4) “It is the place where the son who can receive God’s love exclusively, His only begotten Son, can be found. It is also the place where such a daughter can be found.” (Pyeong 664) “I am the only begotten Son because I was born as the representative son who inherited God’s love, life and bloodline, after the lineage was purified in the course of history.” (Cheon 2.3.2:5, 91.12.15)

[7] For convenience’s sake, this paper uses the following abbreviations. Cheon Seong Gyeong (Seoul: Sung Hwa Publishing, 2013) is ‘Cheon’, Cham Bu Mo Gyeong (Seoul: Sung Hwa Publishing, 2015) is ‘Cham’, Pyeong Hwa Gyeong (Seoul: Sung Hwa Publishing Company, 2013) is ‘Pyeong’, Exposition of the Divine Principle is ‘EDP’, and Sermons of Rev. Sun Myung Moon is Sermons. In quotations from Sermons, the number of the volume and the date is indicated, with all dates based on the solar calendar. For example, ‘Cheon 2.3.2:7, 85.12.22’ refers to Paragraph 7 of Section 2 of Chapter 3 of Book 2 of Cheon Seong Gyeong, from a speech given on December 22, 1985, and ‘Vol. 502, 05.7.28’ refers to a speech given on July 28, 2005, recorded in volume 502 of Sermons. And ‘12.9.17’ indicates that the citation is from a speech given on September 17, 2012, which is not included in Sermons.

[8] In Sermons there are many passages which are difficult to clearly understand whether it is the heavenly lineage or fallen lineage. Even if we see the context, these passages are difficult to understand. For example, “Did I receive fallen blood or pure blood? …Are you confident enough to answer that question?” (608, 09.2.28) “When looking at Jesus and True Father, since Jesus was born after sanctifying his lineage, wasn’t Father born after sanctifying his lineage like Jesus? This is the question. You don’t know the answer.” (496, 05.5.20) “If I have conditions to be accused by Satan, nothing can be done. Are you curious about it? (Yes.) I will not teach that to you. (Laughter) That is a secret.” (54, 72.3.25)

[9] There are so many words regarding the mission of the Third Israel of the Han people and the Advent of Messiah. For example, “Today, God has chosen this land of Korea to become the homeland in which His providence comes to fruition. It is because this is True Parents’ homeland. They were born here and received the spirit of this land at their birth.” (Cheon 13.3.2:10) “It is now the time for all the world’s people to understand the teachings of the True Parents, who brought the heavenly seal and who are responsible for the eternal life of 6.5 billion people.” (Cheon 13.4.1:15) “As a providential nation, Korea was meant to become the ideal homeland of the True Parents when they appeared. Therefore, God mobilized the nations representing the democratic and Christian world and had them fight to liberate this nation.” (Cheon 10.3.4:11, 82.9.13) “The Korean people have been invaded numerous times by foreign powers. God’s true intention in having them endure these tribulations was to have them stand on His side and secure the final victory. (EDP, 557) “The Korean people have long cherished a messianic hope, nurtured by the clear testimonies of their prophets.” (EDP, 558) “The messianic hope still lives on, deeply ingrained in the soul of the Korean people.” (DP, 559)

[10] No direct and clear passages regarding True Mother’s original sin are found in Sermons. True Mother mentioned in public regarding her original sin. For example, “Just as Jesus was born without a relationship with the fall through the providence of indemnity for four thousand years, since I was also born in such position, I do not have original sin. You must understand that.” (16.2.24) “Through the Han people amidst the six thousand-year long providential history, Heaven found the only begotten Daughter who has nothing to do with original sin.” (16.10.6) “In the hidden providential history of heaven, I, before all of you, stately and confidently say that I am the only begotten Daughter and that I was born without original sin. I can explain that to you by solving the history but due to a lack of time…” (16.11.18)

[11] In Sermons there are no passages regarding fallen lineage that refer to only True Mother. However, there is a speech at one gathering regarding fallen lineage referring to both True Father and True Mother. For example, “I too was born of the fallen lineage. Isn’t that so? The same is true for True Mother. Of course, the lineage has been purified through history… How about True Mother? True Mother has also inherited the bloodline of the fallen Archangel. I too have inherited it, even I.” (Vol. 419, 03.10.1, New Yorker Hotel, USA) In this speech, True Father said that both he and True Mother were born of the fallen lineage, and that they inherited the lineage of the fallen Archangel. If we were to focus on these words, it would be difficult to understand True Mother’s course of individual perfection and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. This is because the Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Second Great Blessing) can only be held after one has attained the position of individual perfection (First Great Blessing) by passing through the originally created growing process, and the originally created course of individual perfection can only be achieved when one is in the position of the only begotten daughter. Likewise, many exceptional passages are found in Sermons. For example, there are 100 passages pertaining to a certain topic but an expression of one of the passages is the opposite or inconsistent with the other 99 passages. This study collected dozens of these cases and categorized them as “Level 2.” True Father emphasized his words in various situations based on things such as objectives, topics, providence, time, place, and atmosphere, etc., and used diverse expressions. The truth is one, but the way of expressing, explaining, and emphasizing the truth is diverse. With this point, we can see that we must carefully examine and compare True Parents words by quoting as many passages as possible, especially by quoting words based on the various providences, audiences, times and places.