Volume XXIII – (2022)
From Korea with Love: Assembling a Chronology of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han Moon’s Activities in the United States
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 23, 2022 – Pages 103-123 I have had the privilege of chairing an editorial team that has been assembling a chronology of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han Moon’s work in the United States from 1965 to 2022. Ki Hoon Kim, FFWPU Cheon Eui Won Chair of North America,[1]…
Ontological Significance of ‘God as Heavenly Parent’
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 23, 2022 – Pages 81-102 Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon’s striking proclamation on January 7, 2012 that identifies ‘God as Heavenly Parent’ initially elicited ambivalent responses. Nonetheless, numerous articles within the Unification community have subsequently furnished textual sources from Rev. and Dr. Moon’s speeches, Exposition of the Divine Principle (henceforth,…
The Divine Feminine in the Parable of the Lost Coin
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 23, 2022 – Pages 71-80 I was brought up to think of God as “Father”, and that is still the prevalent language used by most Christians, but in fact this has created a limited view of God that does not encompass all of God’s identity. There cannot exist a father…
Uncovering the Goodness of God through the Parable of the Vineyard Workers
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 23, 2022 – Pages 61-70 The parables attributed to Jesus in the New Testament have been used as a guide for Christians and lay believers for centuries, based on the depictions presented by the Synoptic Gospel writers, Mark, Matthew, and Luke. What was undoubtedly passed on at first as oral…
Substantive Peace – The Creator and Creations of Heart
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 23, 2022 – Pages 51-60 Unification Thought (UT) is a theory. It is the systematic thought of the great thinker and teacher Rev. Sun Myung Moon, who through extensive study and observation of the created world has been able to uncover the original nature of God, humankind and the original…
Embedded Peace in an Ethnic-Conflict Narrative: The Quaker Vision
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 23, 2022 – Pages 37-50 Peace and security are two ardent desires of human beings, yet conflict and violence are integral features of human society. Working for peace and security leads one to work against conflict, violence and insecurity by promoting ethical values. Peace Studies has become an interdisciplinary field,…
In Larger Freedome for a Safer World: A Unificationist Evaluation of Human Security
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 23, 2022 – Pages 1-36 Peace studies are gaining ground worldwide. Yet, these studies often stop at conflict resolution or conflict transformation. We need more “positive peace studies.” We keep viewing peace as pacification, the return of tranquility after a period of conflict. Heraclitus, the founder of dialectics said that…