Volume XVII – (2016)
The Problem of Evil: Unification Theodicy
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 17, 2016 – Pages 33-70 We experience evil in the world, whether it is “natural” or “moral” evil. [1] We also experience suffering, which is to undergo physical or mental pain caused by evil. If, however, there is an omnipotent and perfectly good God, as theism believes, then why is…
Hermeneutics and the Meaning of Life: A Step toward Unification Hermeneutics
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 17, 2016 – Pages 115-142 The meaning of life is one of the most critical questions for the majority of people. Feelings of meaninglessness are an open invitation to despair, addiction, sexual promiscuity, violent behavior, and even blind obedience to manipulative ideologies. Viktor Frankl, a holocaust-surviving psychiatrist, characterized the state…
Multidimensional Reality
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 17, 2016 – Pages 177-194 One of the most fascinating and extraordinary developments in our time is the continuing revelation of the multidimensional nature of the human soul, or alternatively, the multidimensional nature of the cosmos as structured through infinitely creative human consciousness. For long ages human beings never suspected…
The Divine Nexus of Music and Mathematics
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 17, 2016 – Pages 159-176 According to both the ancients and their Christian followers, the order of the creation was love, bound together in a unity both mathematical and musical. Indeed, love, divine order, music and mathematics are simply the four different ways of saying the same thing. —E. Michael…
A Complex God?
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 17, 2016 – Pages 143-158 Just over one hundred years ago Teilhard de Chardin proposed a radical revision of how we view God’s existence. Traditional Christian ontology of God was one of substance and attribute, derived from the form and matter ontology of Plato and Aristotle and inherited over hundreds…
How New York City Invented the Holiday Season: The Rise and Fall of the World’s First Global Holiday
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 17, 2016 – Pages 195-228 Jesus may have been born in Bethlehem, but it was the city of New York that transformed the traditional day of his birth, December 25, into a national and eventually global holiday season. The evolution of the Christian religious holiday of Jesus’ birth into a…
True Mother and the Work of the Holy Spirit
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 17, 2016 – Pages 19-32 A version of this paper was presented at the Inaugural Symposium of the Cheon Il Guk Academy of Arts and Sciences at the Cheon Jeong Gung Museum, Cheong Pyeong, Korea, August 22, 2016. For mainstream Unificationists, [1] it is an article of faith that Hak…
The Providential Significance of True Mother’s Leadership
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 17, 2016 – Pages 1-18 An earlier version of this article was published in 참부모 신학 연구 [Research in the Theology of True Parents], Cheongshim Graduate School of Theology, February 2016, pp. 173-214. On September 3, 2012 (3.7.17 by the Heavenly Calendar), the Unification Church and movement entered a new…