Volume XIX – (2018)
Theological Developments in the FFWPU since the Death of Rev. Moon
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 19, 2018 – Pages 1 – 22 This paper is adapted, with permission, from the author’s paper with the same title published in Acta Comparada, Subsidia VI, FVG, Faculty for Comparative Study of Religions and Humanism, Antwerp (2017). This paper discusses Mrs. Hak-ja Han Moon’s effort to assert her leadership…
Heavenly Society (신사회) and the Development of Hyojeong (孝情) Culture
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 19, 2018 – Pages 23 – 31 The Unification movement aims not only for the well-being of individuals and families, but also for the transformation of general society. In her recent public speeches on three continents, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon has called for the renewal of societies and nations…
The L’Abri Fellowship and the Spiritual Principles of Vital Community
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 19, 2018 – Pages 33-49 In the fall of 2014, I lived for two-and-a-half months with a small, Evangelical Christian community in Greatham, England called L’Abri. The L’Abri Fellowship in Greatham is one of eight such communities established around the world that grew out of the pioneering ministerial efforts of…
Communism’s Stage of Psychosocial Development
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 19, 2018 – Pages 71-100 Note: Portions of this article were published in International Journal on World Peace and are included with permission. One hundred years after the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, communism continues to attract many young revolutionary idealists, but fails to produce the good and just societies they…
Integration of Science and Religion: A Hermeneutic Approach
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 19, 2018 – Pages 101-132 Note: This article is based on the author’s work Multi-Dimensional Hermeneutics for the Integration Science and Religion. This article takes a hermeneutic approach in articulating a thesis for the unity of science and religion. It examines interpretive frameworks in Unificationism and how it shapes our…
Religion and Technology in the 21st Century
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 19, 2018 – Pages 133-172 On April 7, 2018, the New England-Maritimes Regional Group (NEMAAR) of the American Academy of Religion (AAR) held its annual conference at the Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston. The theme of the conference was technology and religion. In keeping with the theme, I…
Korean Re-Unification: Promise and Perils
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 19, 2018 – Pages 49-69 Note: This article was adapted from the author’s article in the Proceedings of the International Academic Symposium of the HyoJeong Academy, Korea, 2018. Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon stated their basic philosophy of how the Korean peninsula will be re-united…