Journal of Unification Studies
Volume: XXIV 2023
The Volume XXIV (2023) of the Journal of Unification Studies is available online!
Celebrating 25 Years of the Good Friday Agreement
Colm Ó Cionnaith
The “Post-Protestant Thesis”: The Decline of Cultural Consensus and Path to Its Recovery
James B. Edgerly
A Note on Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Pacifism
Susan Bouachri
A World of Structures: Critical Examination and Theorization under Unification Thought
Janic Aguirre Fukuno
Divorce in the Unificationist Faith Community
Sungmi Holdhus
A Rejoinder to Dr. Bebis
Theodore Shimmyo

The Journal of Unification Studies are no longer published and are unavailable in print.
The articles can be accessed exclusively through the website:
ISSN: 1097-1769
“The Journal promotes dialogue and understanding by presenting papers from diverse viewpoints that engage Unification theology and practice”
Dr. Andrew Wilson
Editor in Chief